JobGrabber JobGrabber

Get USA Leads for IT Outsourcing Companies in a Click!

Get Clients for Outsourcing Business Faster

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Get Clients for Outsourcing Business 10x Faster

Get Clients for Outsourcing Business in no Time

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Search any Job Board

Find relevant job openings by entering your desired job title and skills on any popular job board.

SaaS-Based Sales Prospecting Tools
Click Grab Job Postings

With a single click on JobGrabber, unlock a list of companies actively hiring for that specific skillset.

Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface
Get your Client List in Seconds

Download formatted Excel or view decision-makers (names, LinkedIn ID) for direct connection. Choose your method!

Get USA Clients for Outsourcing Business in a Click
JobGrabber JobGrabber

Get USA Clients for Outsourcing Business in a Click

Finding new clients is a daunting task for outsourcing companies. However, job boards can help you find potential clients. Yes, you need to look for companies who are actively hiring and you need to reach out to them. But it might take days or weeks to get the list of companies that are hiring. JobGrabber helps you to get clients for outsourcing business in 15 minutes. The tool gets you the list of job postings, eliminates duplicates, and gets you the list of companies that are hiring along with the decision makers list.

Beat your Competition & Get New Clients Faster
JobGrabber JobGrabber

Beat your Competition & Get New Clients Faster

Winning new clients is not easy. You need to be quick and smart to beat your competition. JobGrabber helps you to do that. You don’t need to spend your precious time on finding companies and contacts manually. With a click of a button, you get the list of companies that are hiring actively along with the Decision Makers list that you can view on LinkedIn. JobGrabber helps you to reach out to the Decision Makers instantly and get the competitive edge. You can spend more time reaching out to your potential clients and close more deals.

 Get Sales Leads for IT Outsourcing / Offshoring Companies
JobGrabber JobGrabber

Get Sales Leads for IT Outsourcing / Offshoring Companies

JobGrabber helps you to get sales leads for IT outsourcing & offshoring companies, get the list of companies that are hiring contract developers, remote developers, contractors and so on. JobGrabber also gets you the Decision Maker name and LinkedIn ID. You also get a link to instantly view the Decision Makers on LinkedIn. It enables you to identify Decision Makers who are already connected with you.

JobGrabber Key Benefits


Get US leads for your outsourcing business month after month with ease.


JobGrabber does real-time search and helps you to get only the companies that are actively hiring.


JobGrabber is the fastest way to get US Clients for Outsourcing Business.


JobGrabber eliminates duplicates and helps you to get only the list of new companies that are actively hiring remote/offshore developers/contractors.


JobGrabber works with multiple job boards with ease. You can build offshore companies list in no time.


JobGrabber helps you to reach decision makers in potential client companies in no time.

Clients for Outsourcing Business benefits

Frequently asked questions

JobGrabber streamlines the process of finding potential US clients. It searches popular job boards and identifies companies actively hiring for positions relevant to your outsourcing services (e.g., contract developers, remote developers). This eliminates wasting time on irrelevant postings.

No, JobGrabber focuses on helping you find potential clients who need outsourcing services, not existing outsourcing companies. It delivers a list of US companies actively hiring for IT positions you can fill.

While JobGrabber searches US job boards, the focus is on identifying potential clients in the US looking to outsource work. It doesn't directly provide lists of offshore outsourcing companies.

JobGrabber boasts significant time savings. It can generate a list of potential US clients, eliminate duplicates, and identify decision-makers within those companies, all in about 15 minutes. [Get New Direct Clients!]

  • Eliminates duplicates: JobGrabber removes redundant job postings, ensuring you only see new companies actively hiring.
  • Decision-maker information: Gain access to contact details (name, LinkedIn) for key decision-makers at potential client companies. This allows you to reach out and build relationships directly.
  • Multiple job boards: JobGrabber searches a variety of popular job boards, expanding your reach to a wider pool of potential clients.

By providing a targeted list of potential clients and decision-maker information, JobGrabber saves you valuable time and allows you to focus on building relationships and closing deals faster than your competitors who are searching manually.

Struggling to find new US clients for your IT outsourcing business?

Spend less time searching and more time closing deals with JobGrabber. Our powerful tool helps you to get potential US clients for your IT outsourcing business.