Get Corporate Email Addresses for CEO / VP / CXO Leads

Find Contact Information for any Company Executives - CEO, VP, Director & CXOs Leads in a Click! - Corporate Email Finder Tool.

This tool finds Verified business email ids & phone# of Top-Level Executives in the companies worldwide.

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Professional Networks are the world's best source for B2B prospects. These networks are organized in powerful ways to enable quick identification of highly qualified B2B prospects – people with VP / Director / CXO job titles. However, the reality is business deals are not done on professional networks (the place where you found your prospects). You need to find corporate contact information of VP / Director / CXO leads such as email addresses to reach their inbox during business hours.

Why you should find corporate contact information?

Typically, B2B sales people shortlist their targeted prospects and then send connection requests or even send expensive In-Mails to reach them. Only a very small percentage of prospects connect and they hardly respond to messages on professional networks. More than 85% of business & sales messages you send over Professional Networks are never read.

The reason is that people generally direct their professional network messages to their personal email accounts such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc. and often they don’t check these messages during business hours. Even if people get to read those emails, they read it over weekends or after a week or so. Also, if they find any marketing or sales stuff, they quietly move those emails to junk folders.

How can you expect your prospect to reply immediately to your well-crafted, compelling, high-value business ROI message if the prospect has never seen it or seen it too late. This is why you should find corporate contact information of VP / Director / CXO leads and reach them during their business hours.

When you send email directly to your prospects’ corporate email addresses, they are likely to see the message within a few seconds - and if it is compelling for them, you might get a positive reply within a couple of minutes.

How to find corporate email addresses of VP / Director / CXO Leads?

Finding corporate email addresses for VP / Director / CXO leads found on Professional Networks is not an easy task. You cannot easily find their email addresses on the Internet. You have to manually visit corporate websites and look for email addresses in management web pages, etc. to find them. You have to spend a lot of time and effort on the Internet to find corporate email addresses of decision makers.

eMail-Prospector is an email finding tool that enables you to easily and effortlessly find corporate email addresses of VP / Director / CXO Leads found on Professional Networks.

All you need to do is:

  • Launch eMail-Prospector.
  • Copy-paste the name and company of prospect in Full Name and Company fields.
  • Click Find button.
Find anyone’s corporate email address by name and company

eMail-Prospector’s built-in email finding and contact research technology searches the Internet and finds direct corporate contact information such as email address and phone number of Decision Makers found on Professional Networks.

eMail-Prospector also enables you to find corporate contact information for a list of prospects.

  • Just import the list of contacts into eMail-Prospector Pro grid.
  • Select the records and click Find Email.
Find corporate contact information in bulk

eMail-Prospector enables you to find corporate contact information of hundreds of prospects in a click.

Reach potential prospects and decision makers on their corporate contact information and get 10x more response rates.

Use eMail-Prospector to maximize your chance of engaging with key decision makers such as VP's / Director's / CEO's / CXO's.