Profile Visitor Addon

Only US $495 for 5,000 leads

Call 866-299-7314, or email [email protected]

to get this plugin

Reverse Lookup LinkedIn IDs - Plugin for LeadGrabber Pro

The Reverse Lookup LinkedIn IDs plugin helps you to find all the details of your contacts based on the LinkedIn ID.

If you have a list of LinkedIn IDs or if you have a database with LinkedIn IDs, this plugin will help you to find contact details such as name, company, title, email, industry, phone, web, city, state, region, zip, country, etc.

Paste or import the LinkedIn IDs into the LeadGrabber Pro grid and click the “Reverse Lookup LinkedIn IDs” option on the grid toolbar.

The plugin instantly finds the contact details. It comes in handy if you want to update your existing database with the latest contact information.

Daily processing limit subject to your LinkedIn subscription.

Pricing : $495 for 5,000 leads

Please fill the below form to get this plugin:
Full name cannot be empty.
Email cannot be empty.
Phone cannot be empty.
Company cannot be empty.