eMail-Prospector Pro Faqs

Frequently asked questions

We have made the Pro extremely easy to use. With eMail-Prospector Pro you can:

  1. Capture a list of contacts and auto-add their business email address (here’s How-To).
    You can use this for any of the following:
    1. for outbound email marketing
    2. to make a list of your group members
    3. to make a list of your 1st degree connections
    4. to reach out to new people and expand your network
  2. Import an excel spreadsheet, or, a list of incomplete contacts and auto-add business email and phone (how to).
    You can use this for any of the following:
    1. to complete your CRM records
    2. to cross-verify the email addresses in a list that you bought from somewhere else
    3. to verify and validate if your old email addresses are correct
  3. Type in a Name and Company and find business email and phone (how to).
    You can use this for any of the following:
    1. when you find a name in the news and you want to contact them
    2. to reach out to potential new partners
    3. to reach star candidates for your open roles
    4. to find contact information that you cannot find in or any other source

With eMail-Prospector Pro you can find Business Email Addresses of 4000 contacts. This means, you can capture, import, paste, or type in a name and company and Find Business Email Address for 4000 people.

Annual License

There’s also a Append Web Domain limit of 20% more (that's 4,800). When you enter a company and we cannot find a web domain, we do not deduct that from your credit - instead we count that in the Append Web Domain limit.

You also get these complementary:

  1. Grab / Capture up-to 8000 contacts in a list (4000 more than you can find business emails for!)
  2. Import and Verify up-to 400 email addresses
  3. Capture unlimited contacts, one-at-a-time
  4. Transfer unlimited contacts out to Salesforce * / Outlook / Excel / CSV / ACT! / PCRecruiter

* Your CRM / ATS provider could have their own limitations on how many you can transfer to them per day. That has to do with the license you purchased from them.

You have a couple of options:

  1. Add-More-Appends: this is an plugin pack that adds 2000 more, for $395. Use anytime in the lifetime of your subscription. Call us on +1-866-299-7314, we’ll help you get this.
  2. Call us on +1-866-299-7314. We’ll suggest alternate solutions that best suit the volume you desire.

Thorough Internet Research goes into finding Business Email Addresses for you. We want *You* to be confident which email addresses are going to get delivered, which ones *might* get delivered and which ones will never get delivered. So we color them differently.

Here’s a screenshot of different status and colors you will see.

Showing the Valid Business Emails with Different Color Shades

We recommend that you DEFINITELY use 1 & 2.
We recommend you NOT to use 4.
We recommend you use 3 only if you feel that taking the risk is worth the reward for you.

If you like technical details, here’s what you’ll want to know:

1-Deliverable (High)

1-Deliverable (High) : The email address has been validated with that company’s email server and is a valid email account.

2- Deliverable (Medium)

2- Deliverable (Medium) : The email address has been projected based on a statistical analysis of the email patterns of that company / Co-Worker’s email addresses, but the company’s email server refuses to verify or deny if email is correct.

3- Deliverable

3- Probable : The email address was projected. A handful of co-worker email addresses are available on the Internet, if any. Also, the company’s email server refuses to verify or deny if email is correct.


4-Invalid : The email address has been checked with that company’s email server. They say it’s 'Not a real email address.

Here are 4 counters that the product tracks.
  1. Find Email Count
  2. Append Web Domain Count
  3. Grab List Count – you get 4000 extra grab count complementary
  4. Verify Email Count – this is complementary

When you use the "Append Email" or "Append Phone" buttons, the first step that both buttons perform is to search for the Web Domain of the company you have provided. If you have given only a name and company, the product spends resources to search for the correct web domain of the company. There are cases when you have no idea whether the company you have input into the product has a web domain, so to take care of that uncertainty you face, we have separated the Append Email and the Append Web Domain counts, plus with every license, you get extra Append Web Domain to tide over this issue - up to 20% extra. So if you have a few records which don't have a company domain, that will not reduce your Append Email count - thus saving you money. That's why a separate Append Web Domain counter exists.

So, when you use the "Append Email" on one record in the product grid and an email appears on the grid, two counters will be reduced: The Append Email and the Append Web Domain. Both will be reduced, irrespective of the final Email Rating on the grid, since the product has already spent resources researching the email. The Verify Email count will not be reduced.

However, if the "Append Email" cannot find the Web Domain of the company you have provided, then only the Append Web Domain will be reduced. Append Email count will not change. The Verify Email count will not change.

When you use "Append Phone", it uses only one count, that is the Append Web Domain count.

If you use "Append Selected" and choose to append both email and phone, this is the best combination for you since it utilizes only one Append Email and one Append Web Domain count.

The "Verify Email" counts will only be used when you use the Verify Email button inside the product.

You should avoid giving Append Email and Phone too many records of companies that do not exist. If those companies do not have a web domain, you will lose your Append Web Domain count and get nothing in return. If your Append Web Domain count gets exhausted, then you can only refill by purchasing this plugin. Any balance Append Email count you have will be forfeit.

Find Email Count Append Web Domain Count Grab List Count Verify Email Count
When you use the Trial Edition 50 60 100 5
When you purchase an Annual License 4000 4800 8000 400
When you Purchase an Add Appends plugin, the amounts that get refilled 2000 2400 4000 200
Here are the counts that get reduced when you run the product:
When you use "Find Email" on 1 record -1 -1 0 0
When you use "Find Phone" on 1 record 0 -1 0 0
When you use "Find Website" on 1 record 0 -1 0 0
When you use "Find Selected" on 1 record -1 -1 0 0
When you use "Verify Email" on 1 record 0 0 0 -1
When you click "Grab List" 0 0 (as many records are added to the grid) 0
When you click "Capture"
(single record capture)
-1 -1 0 0
LeadGrabber Pro eMail-Prospector Pro
Pricing $5,495 for 60K Leads $1,195
Volume needs LeadGrabber is designed for maximum 35,000 records a year, per license eMail-Prospector is designed for 4000 emails a year, per license
Multiple Folder management? Has multiple folders to manage many lists Has one grid, which holds 10,000 records maximum
Ability to Flip pages during Grab (AutoNext) AutoNext is available as a separate paid plugin AutoNext is free
Append Commands available Find Email
Find Phone
Find Website
Verify Email
Find Decision Maker (additional paid plugin)
Find TimeZone (free)
Find Email
Find Phone
Find Website
Verify Email
Can be extended to support more websites? (through Custom developed Drivers) Yes No
Duplicate check for Contacts Yes No
You can purchase the Add Appends plugin. That will re-fill your account so you can perform Find Email on more records.
eGrabber eMail-Prospector Pro searches the Internet, in real-time, for email addresses as soon as you enter a Name and Company and click "Find". It searches available documents in the public domain, websites, blogs and any other document you can find on a public search engine. Finds emails in seconds.

If eMail-Prospector Pro finds the email address on a public document, it shows you that document.

If there is no email address found, eMail-Prospector Pro uses a multitude of techniques to intelligently and statistically guess the prospect's email address.

Our software is as good as an expert human Internet researcher. There is a 90%+ chance we will find an email, if it is present on the public Internet. We have our email finding process patented (US Patent # 8495151 B2). Thousands of customers have been using this technology since 2009.
eMail-Prospector Pro is designed to find business email addresses, not personal or consumer email addresses.

We consider free email providers like gmail, yahoo, Hotmail and others to be personal email addresses.

However, if it can cross verify that the personal email address on the Internet belongs to the correct prospect in that company, it may provide you with a personal email address.
Download the installation file from ../emailprospector/trial.html . The Install Shield Wizard guides you through the rest of the process.
The trial version is fully functional for 7 days. You can Find 50 Emails. You can capture up to 60 contacts in a list.
If you have provided a valid E-mail ID at the time of downloading the product, you will receive your Free Trial License Key via E-mail to your E-mail ID.

After installation, the eGrabber Product Registration window appears. Enter the License Key in the space provided and click "Register Now".

Click Continue to start using the product.
Once your trial version expires, you cannot download it again. However, you can contact our customer support and extend the trial version period for another 7 days.
US$ 1,195.00 per user per year. We have only an Annual License for eMail-Prospector Pro.
To place your order, please contact our Sales at (408) 516-4566 or e-mail [email protected].
After Installation, the eGrabber Product Registration window appears.
  • Enter the License Key you have received and click Register Now.
  • After you get the message "Successfully Registered", click Continue to start using the product.
  • Check whether you have entered the License Key properly. You can copy and paste the License Key to avoid typing errors.
  • Ensure that you are connected to the Internet at the time of registering the product.
  • The other problems could be that your Internet connection may be slow, or the server may be busy. In these circumstances, check the Internet connection and try registering after some time.
If you want to use the product in multiple systems, you need to purchase multiple licenses. Contact our customer support to get multiple licenses. If you want to use the product in another system with the same license key, follow the steps:
  • Unregister the product in System A.
  • Install and register the product in System B.
  • Note down your License Key number.
  • Unregister the product.
  • Upgrade your system.
  • Install the Product and Register again.

If you do not unregister the product, it is not possible to register again.

In such exceptional cases, you can contact our customer support to obtain a new license key. Your former license key is revoked and using this key in future violates the terms of License Agreement.
  • Purchase if your expectation of the software is to be many times faster in research than you could do manually - and not because you think it will be more accurate than an expert researcher.
  • Purchase if you understand eGrabber software projects email ID of people we can't find on the internet by projecting their email based on the dominant email pattern used by their colleagues. This is bound to be right at best 2 out of 3 times. So there will be errors.
  • Purchase if you are okay with this statement => This a statistical tool - it is guaranteed to save you research time. We expect it to find 90%+ of the contact information if available on the Internet. Statistically speaking email-finder gets emails of 40%-50% of the prospects - however the number of emails found is many time what the user can by spending the whole day researching. This tool is not for people who have expectation of getting email IDs of more than 40% of the prospects.
Yes, you can export the contacts to any of these applications
  • Microsoft® Outlook® 2010 / 2013 / 2016
  • Excel 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016
  • PCRecruiter
  • ACT! v17 (2015)
  • CSV (comma separated)

** Works with Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited editions; provided you have not removed the contact fields your came configured with. And does not work with Contact Manager and Team/Group edition.

eMail-Prospector Pro was designed for simplicity. However, if you do need help, here are a couple of options you have:
  • call / email our support to fix an appointment for training (+1-408-872 3103 / [email protected] )

In case you need training for your whole team, you can let us know when you call us at support.

If you have purchased the License Key, you can use eMail-Prospector Pro for one year. The software expires in one year after the date of registration.

If you have downloaded the Trial Key, you can use eMail-Prospector Pro for 7 days. The trial version works for 50 contacts.
eGrabber fully complies with the CAN-SPAM Act and doesn't violate the CAN-SPAM Act in anyway because:
  1. eGrabber doesn't provide email IDs. eGrabber just provides a tool (just like IE & Firefox) for the users to perform Internet research.
  2. The software doesn't generate numerous permutations to find email IDs. It either finds the email ID of the person you are searching for or finds email IDs of coworkers and intelligently projects the most dominant email pattern.
  3. Projected email IDs are clearly mentioned and the users are aware of how those email IDs were obtained.
  4. eGrabber doesn't recommend customers to send bulk emails.
To be CAN-SPAM compliant, you need to adhere to the following guidelines set by Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for B2B organizations:
  1. Don't use false or misleading header information. Your "From," "To," "Reply-To," and routing information - including the originating domain name and email address - must be accurate and identify the person or business who initiated the message.
  2. Don't use deceptive subject lines. The subject line must accurately reflect the content of the message.
  3. Identify the message as an ad. The law gives you a lot of leeway in how to do this, but you must disclose clearly and conspicuously that your message is an advertisement.
  4. Tell recipients where you're located. Your message must include your valid physical postal address. This can be your current street address, a post office box you've registered with the U.S. Postal Service, or a private mailbox you've registered with a commercial mail receiving agency established under Postal Service regulations.
  5. Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email from you. Your message must include a clear and conspicuous explanation of how the recipient can opt out of getting email from you in the future. Craft the notice in a way that's easy for an ordinary person to recognize, read, and understand. Creative use of type size, color, and location can improve clarity. Give a return email address or another easy Internet-based way to allow people to communicate their choice to you. You may create a menu to allow a recipient to opt out of certain types of messages, but you must include the option to stop all commercial messages from you. Make sure your spam filter doesn't block these opt-out requests.
  6. Honor opt-out requests promptly. Any opt-out mechanism you offer must be able to process opt-out requests for at least 30 days after you send your message. You must honor a recipient's opt-out request within 10 business days. You can't charge a fee, require the recipient to give you any personally identifying information beyond an email address, or make the recipient take any step other than sending a reply email or visiting a single page on an Internet website as a condition for honoring an opt-out request. Once people have told you they don't want to receive more messages from you, you can't sell or transfer their email addresses, even in the form of a mailing list. The only exception is that you may transfer the addresses to a company you've hired to help you comply with the CAN-SPAM Act.
  7. Monitor what others are doing on your behalf. The law makes clear that even if you hire another company to handle your email marketing, you can't contract away your legal responsibility to comply with the law. Both the company whose product is promoted in the message and the company that actually sends the message may be held legally responsible.


No; List generated by eGrabber tools are not opt-in leads.
eGrabber builds lists from publicly available information on the web. You should treat our leads, same as those coming from manual research.
We don’t recommend you to load eGrabber leads directly into email systems that require leads to be opt-in.
Lists from any automation tool such as eGrabber should be considered cold call lists, and must be nurtured accordingly.
  1. eGrabber guarantees the product will perform Internet research at least 3x faster than expert researcher and that the overall accuracy will be as good or better than what they produce.
  2. If someone's email ID is on the Internet, our tool has a 95%+ chance of finding it.
  3. If someone's email ID is not on the Internet, our tool makes an intelligent analytical guess based on emails of co-workers it finds. Our base assumption is that the email ID pattern would be similar to the prominent pattern the company has used for the co-workers. We expect our guesses to be 3x more accurate than a random guess.
  4. We have partnered with reputed email verification companies to provide you an email verification status in our results

Reasons for Accuracy Errors:

  1. eGrabber does not have a database from where it gets contact information. eGrabber conducts Internet research & relies on the information provided online as being accurate. So the results are only as good as the data that is published.
  2. eGrabber always provides the source from where it finds emails and marks the data as being FOUND. Even Found emails can bounce, some of the reasons being the person is no longer with the company or the company no longer exists. eGrabber does not check to see if that person is still with the company.
  3. One should expect at least a third of the projected emails to bounce. That is because that person we projected for might not be with the company, they may not have an email ID, the company may not be consistent in the way it creates email IDs for the person.
  4. Our software clearly indicates which contact information was found on the Internet & which email IDs were projected. As a customer it is up to you to choose if you want to use only the found emails or both found and projected.

The answer to following one question, almost always determines if you would embrace projected emails:

Which of these two lists do you prefer to work with?

Connect Email List

If you answered you prefer the 50% connect-list, because you can reach more people, then you will love our projected email feature. Generally for the aggressive marketers, the risks outweigh the rewards.

If you said, I prefer to only work with 100% certain emails, then you would use only the emails FOUND on the Internet by our software

Projection Accuracy
The accuracy of the projected emails is dependent on how consistent companies you prospect are in issuing similar IDs to all their employees. Most companies like to follow a pattern such as [email protected] or [email protected] and so on for such companies, the projection works well.

In some companies, employees are allowed to figure out their own email-id, When projecting email-id of these companies, there is a high probability that the projection would be wrong.

Better ROI on Projected
Your chance of response on a projected email is 2x to 3x higher than the found by going after the projected emails. That's because you are reaching people your competitors are not.

These projected emails are hidden. Your competition gave up & you didn’t. So get rewarded.

Our projected emails are 2x more accurate than an in-house researcher
If you have an in-house researcher, we can guarantee our projection is going to be 2x better than their projection. That's because we sample 10x more pages to get a email pattern

Be Safe, be like everyone else
If your goal is 100% accuracy, you would want to just stick to 1 & 2 rated VALID emails.

Else, be Prudent, Stand a chance of winning High
If you are willing to be Business-prudent and take a calculated risk, You would use the 3-rated Probable for 50% accuracy and 6-rated Low Probable for 33% accuracy.

We drink our own Kool-Aid
We have been using projected emails for ages.
We have have first-hand experience - we reach people that our competitors have not reached yet.
We are looking at the glass full part, not the glass empty part.

No, we don't have any type of working relationship with any of the data providers. Our tool only Copy-Pastes data that you as a user can already Copy & Paste manually through a standard PC browser. If the site blocks you from manually copy-pasting, our tool won't function either. Websites have the ability to display content in a read only format, the content is readable by a human but not copy able thru the browser. Our tool will not work on such web-pages either. Our tool is frequently used by people who have legal rights to the data, and are looking for a easier way than manual copy-pasting it into PC or Excel.

We support virtually every website that displays contact in a list format on a website that is copy able thru the browser clipboard. As per the terms of our license agreement it is your responsibility to make sure you have the relevant rights to capture and store the data the way you plan to, before using this Software. Neither eGrabber nor the data-providers can provide you unbiased advice with this regard. Here is the link to eGrabber's End User License Agreement.
We have partnered with reputed email verification companies to provide you an email verification status in our results
eMail-Prospector Pro uses the Internet Explorer 11 rendering engine. The slick user interface is only possible in that.

To find out which version of Internet Explorer you are using, start your Internet Explorer and open this link inside it -

If your IE version is older than Internet Explorer 11, you can upgrade for free. To do this, open this link in your Internet Explorer and follow the instructions in the page -
eMail-Prospector Pro needs Internet Explorer 11 to work. Microsoft does not provide IE 11 support for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
We have Mac users running our products with Windows parallels. You need to work with your Mac dealer to get the configuration for your Mac. eGrabber technical support does not maintain Mac units and our technical support for the mac environment is limited.
To renew your EMail-Prospector license, please call us at (408) 516-4566 / 866-299-7314(Toll Free) or email us at [email protected].
If you have purchased eMail-Prospector Pro, you will receive product live updates and new version upgrades during your subscription period. The updates are free during the period of your subscription.

Minor live updates will be downloaded by the eMail-Prospector Pro and it will prompt you to install the live updates. Please follow the prompts.

Major version upgrades may be automatically installed, or we will alert you by email. Make sure, during the license registration process, you give us the email address that you want us to email you on.
Seriously...? Why, what happened? Did something not work? Quick, call us +1-408-872 3103, or email us [email protected], we'll get you up and running.

If you still need a refund, we're sorry to see you go!

You can email us at [email protected] or call us on +1-408-516 4566. Our refund policy was in the End-User-License Agreement, when you signed up for the tool. For quick reference, you can read it here (, refer to point # 22.c.
eGrabber is not in the list-selling business like XYZ, what we sell are list-building tools.

We don’t have a database of prospects that you can select & purchase.
We don’t sell leads or lists, so we can’t compare to XYZ selling costs.

You would use our tools, when you cannot find ready-to-buy lists;
(or have in-house starter-lists that need to be updated with decision makers, title, email, phone.)

Out list-building tools can help you build lists 10x faster, than you could do manually.

With our tool, you can build lists in 4 hours, what might take you a whole week to do manually.
The tool pays for itself within first few weeks of usage in time and cost savings.

Example usage of our tools:
  1. Our users might short list prospects from professional sites based on keyword, Job Openings, responsibility, background, interest, technology, specialty interest groups, Investment Interests etc These are high yielding prospects, they can’t short-list like this and buy as a list anywhere. They use our tools to get contact information
  2. Our users might have a registration list of name/company, but want to append CEOs or contact information. They can’t easily buy the missing information. Our tools helps them find the missing information in an automated manner.
What we sell is a contact research tool for list-builders.
We guarantee, we will find 90%+ of the work email-ID your list-builders can find on the web.
We guarantee, our tool will find work email-ID many times faster than your list-builder can do manually.

If you notice our tool is consistently not finding work email-ID you can find, we can have a look at that situation.
We will take a look into fixing it, of will work on a credit-back based on the situation.

Our tool is primarily sold as a work email-ID and that is the only field we provide a guarantee of finding.

  1. Our tool can’t find work email-ID that is not available on the web for any user to cut-n-paste
  2. We provide a free trial, so you can test how well our tool does in your environment before purchase.
Our software is a standard package we have been offering for 10+ years. We have been in business for 20+ years.

To keep our Price competitive, For standard license purchases we provide the following license agreement and this FAQ.

We can provide additional info if required, for deal sizes closer to $100K. The deal has to cover the costs of legal review by our attorneys.

The information on our products and our company can be researched on the web and through our FAQ.