Fastest Way to Build High Response Cold Lists from LinkedIn: 4 Filters you need to Know

Fastest Way to Build High Response Cold Lists from LinkedIn: 4 Filters you need to Know

Are you tired of building or messaging cold B2B lists from LinkedIn, only to receive minimal engagement from your prospects?

Look no further, as we have the solution to get you warmer, more engaged prospects in a fraction of the time.

LinkedIn limits prospects’ sent invitations daily. However, by strategically filtering your LinkedIn searches, you can connect with prospects who have a 500%+ higher chance of engaging in sales discussions as a priority.

These filters can get you warmer cold prospects that can engage in sales talk 5x faster.

Here is how you get warmer prospects first:

#1 Choose People Following Industry Experts

After filtering down to the titles and persona, choose another filter, Followers of. This will show if the people you shortlisted are already following experts who talk about solving problems you do. By connecting with them, you can engage a lot faster.

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Followers of Josh Braun are more likely to be interested in cold email solutions.

#2 Choose who Likes & Comments Industry News

Go to articles written by experts on problems you solve. Then connect to all appropriate people who like or comment. These people are already engaged in solving problems you solve and can be considered more warm prospects.

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#3 Choose who belong to Industry LinkedIn Groups

After you have shortlisted your prospects, look for people who already belong to an industry LinkedIn group for problems you solve. Connect with them and engage.

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#4 Extract All and Send Direct Work Email

Tools such as LeadGrabber lets you get over the daily LinkedIn connection limit. The tool gives you the work email-ID of all the people you shortlist. You can send multiple emails and actually have a conversation sequence. This is what my team does. We send 200 emails a day and overall get 3 to 5 demos a day.

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Whatever we do in terms of prospecting, we need to be aware some prospects are warmer and will buy a lot faster.

This does not mean we don’t educate others our way and get them to engage too.

It is best to target both, short-term buyers and long-term people we nurture. Both have different benefits.

All prospects are good. The ones who buy faster keep us motivated and in business.

LeadGrabber Pro is the fastest way to build warm prospect lists. Our specialist can show you 10x more ways to build a targeted prospect list of any of the competitors.

Your prospect list will be more accurate and warmer than what ZoomInfo and others provide.

We have been helping B2B sales people for 25+ years, longer than any other company.

Fill in the form to download LeadGrabber Pro

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