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Author: Chandra Bodapati

I have deep expertise in enabling B2B sales, marketing & recruiting professionals reach ideal prospects. I love helping them be leaders in their company and their industry. Sold to 100,000+ companies! eGrabber, the company I founded 15+ years ago, makes Targeted Prospect List-Building Tools for use by Sales & Recruiting professionals.
My Secret To Getting Prospect’s Time & Attention

My Secret To Getting Prospect’s Time & Attention

You finally got to speak to a prospect on the phone, or face-to-face at a trade show! Great!

Within a few seconds after that, your prospect will make a snap decision to

or Give-Undivided Attention.
To get undivided attention, the prospect needs to have a strong sense, within those initial seconds, that you likely have the knowledge & expertise they need to solve their problem.

Two important things for you to keep in mind as you visualize your pitch:

  1. The prospect first needs to buy into YOU – They need to respect your expertise, before they buy into your solution
  2. The length of your response does not matter – As long as you are saying things that makes the prospect eager to hear your next sentence, and the following,..

Here is a 3-Step Response Formula ( followed by an example of how I use it)

Here is a 3 step process I developed to retain my target prospect’s undivided attention, and it works like a charm almost all the time. I taught this to several sales & marketing teams, and they have seen much higher prospect engagement level during their first conversation

This method works for any product or service you sell. I hope it works for you too.

1. Make prospect believe you understand their problem

Quickly articulate the most significant problem the prospect is likely facing, in a manner that shows “you have deep knowledge about the consequences of that problem”. Also show you have heard about this issue directly from several customers. Ideally you will pick the problem that your product / service addresses the best.

The key at this stage is NOT to spray the prospect with multiple problems, just pick the most significant one, and go through this sequence. If you do this right, you will get lots of time later to do everything else. Even if you get the wrong problem, you will get a shot at that problem if they think you know a lot.

The idea is to answer the question as well as you can, without asking any further questions from prospect. If you start asking questions, you will be no different to any other average sales person. If you get this right, the prospect will spend all the time you need later.

2. Show one believable reason why problem exists

Here you need to come across like an Expert with hidden insight on why that problem exists. Any history of how the industry grew & how the problem grew can make you look like an expert.

3. Show how your solution uses above knowledge

Articulate concisely how your solution leveraged this knowledge & insight, to help design the core benefit of your product or service. To be effective & credible, your solution MUST have a direct connection with point #1 and #2..

Usage Example

eGrabber Prospect:

“I am not having much success getting prospects on LinkedIn to respond. Do you have something that helps?”

eGrabber Response:

Sales people initially love LinkedIn, because they actually get to see where their ideal prospects are working. As bonus they also get nice conversation starting points from the Profiles.

The problem starts when they start engaging them. They are surprised by how few respond back to their InMail messages. That’s mostly because there is a disconnect between how they as sales people want to use LinkedIn and how most members actually use it.
(Guessing this might be their problem)

Members see LinkedIn as a career-site. They direct messages from LinkedIn to their private gmail like accounts, just as they would if they were on a dating site!. and read messages during their personal time & weekend – not during work hours.

LinkedIn site is great for recruiters who are trying to recruit; and it has been fantastic for sales people once they figured out an alternate way to get to these same prospects at their work place.

(Am I coming across as an expert on LinkedIn & why businesses might be failing?)

With eGrabber solutions, you will be able to do just that.

With our solution, you would continue to pick prospects on LinkedIn, but instead of sending InMails to their personal IDs, you would click a different button & send the same emails to the prospect’s work email ID.

Since your LinkedIn prospects get your email within seconds of you sending it during the time they are work-focused, you will more then likely get an immediate response if you hit the right chord.

(Did the solution address the core problem articulated by the prospect earlier?)

and also, did the example show you how to leverage the 3-step formula to cast your own spell on your prospect?

3 Step Demo Sequence Prospects Products Example

3 Step Demo Sequence Prospects Products Example

3 Step Demo Sequence Prospects Products Example 3

You finally got to speak to a prospect on the phone, or a tradeshow! How do you start?

Within few seconds, the prospect will make a snap decision to..

  1. Ignore-you,
  2. Tolerate-you
  3. or Give-Undivided Attention.

To get undivided attention, the prospect needs to have a strong sense, within those initial seconds, that you likely have the knowledge & expertise they need to solve their problem.

Two important things for you to keep in mind as you visualize your pitch:

  1. The prospect first needs to buy into YOU – They need to respect your expertise, before they buy into your solution
  2. The length of your response does not matter – As long as you are saying things that makes the prospect eager to hear your next sentence, and the following,.

Here is a 3-Step Response Formula ( followed by an example of how I use it)

Here is a 3 step process I developed to retain my target prospect’s undivided attention, and it works like a charm almost all the time. I taught this to several sales & marketing teams, and they have seen much higher prospect engagement level during their first conversation

This method works for any product or service you sell. I hope it works for you too.

1. Make prospect believe you understand their problem

Quickly articulate the most significant problem the prospect is likely facing, in a manner that shows “you have deep knowledge about the consequences of that problem”. Also show you have heard about this issue directly from several customers. Ideally you will pick the problem that your product / service addresses the best.

The key at this stage is NOT to spray the prospect with multiple problems, just pick the most significant one, and go through this sequence. If you do this right, you will get lots of time later to do everything else. Even if you get the wrong problem, you will get a shot at that problem if they think you know a lot.

The idea is to answer the question as well as you can, without asking any further questions from prospect. If you start asking questions, you will be no different to any other average sales person. If you get this right, the prospect will spend all the time you need later.

2. Show one believable reason why problem exists

Here you need to come across like an Expert with hidden insight on why that problem exists. Any history of how the industry grew & how the problem grew can make you look like an expert.

3. Show how your solution uses above knowledge

Articulate concisely how your solution leveraged this knowledge & insight, to help design the core benefit of your product or service. To be effective & credible, your solution MUST have a direct connection with point #1 and #2..

Usage Example

eGrabber Prospect:

“I am not having much success getting prospects on LinkedIn to respond. Do you have something that helps?”

eGrabber Response:

Sales people initially love LinkedIn, because they actually get to see where their ideal prospects are working. As bonus they also get nice conversation starting points from the Profiles.

The problem starts when they start engaging them. They are surprised by how few respond back to their InMail messages. That’s mostly because there is a disconnect between how they as sales people want to use LinkedIn and how most members actually use it.

(I am Guessing this might be their problem)

Members see LinkedIn as a career-site. They direct messages from LinkedIn to their private gmail like accounts, just as they would if they were on a dating site!. and read messages during their personal time & weekend – not during work hours.

LinkedIn site is great for recruiters who are trying to recruit; and it has been fantastic for sales people once they figured out an alternate way to get to these same prospects at their work place.

(Am I coming across as an expert on LinkedIn & why businesses might be failing?)

With eGrabber solutions, you will be able to do just that.

With our solution, you would continue to pick prospects on Linkedin, but instead of sending InMails to their personal IDs, you would click a different button & send the same emails to the prospect’s work email ID.

Since your Linkedin prospects get your email within seconds of you sending it during the time they are work-focused, you will more then likely get an immediate response if you hit the right chord.

Did the solution address the core problem articulated by the prospect earlier?
and also, did the example show you how to leverage the 3-step formula to cast your own spell on your prospect?


Here is an example of an eGrabber tool you can use to reach prospects on LinkedIn at their work place Account-Researcher):

Bottomline: You will get a better hearing from the prospect, if they think you have expertise that they don’t have, to solve their problem.

3 HUGE variables that impact Email Marketing ROI

3 HUGE variables that impact Email Marketing ROI

Torn & Cut One Dollar Note Floating Away in Small $ Pieces

Here are some lessons I learnt from conducting 500+ B2B email campaigns.

There are 3 significant categories in the email marketing process, you must experiment and get right, to achieve a high CTR.

Just by making minor tweak’s to these 3 categories, you will start seeing 2x better than average performance. Get it right and you should be able to see 5x better click and engagement rate.

Here are those three categories you must experiment and tweak.

1. Your Email Template – Content & Visual

Variables you must test include Subject, Personalization, First Line, Body-Text, Message-Glimpse, Ending, Signature, From. I found the most important variable here is how PERSONALIZED the email feels.

2. Your Prospect Targeting Segment

Test your template with various prospect segments (demographics and background), to  find best fit profile. You can adjust template as required to match the segment. I found the most important variable here is ROLE & BACKGROUND of the prospect as opposed to title or any other aspect.

3. Receive Time & Day – Not Send Time

It is important you experiment with various prospect receive time & day (not your send time). I found the most important thing you must Pay attention to is PROSPECT’s TIME ZONE, not what time you need to send (I know sounds like it is common sense, but we forget at times our email can reach people in all parts of the world.)

You can refer this blog to know the best time to send emails to your prospects.

LinkedIn Recruiter doesn’t eliminate need for an ATS, because …

LinkedIn Recruiter doesn’t eliminate need for an ATS, because …

I heard some recruiters & managers ask, now that we have subscribed to LinkedIn Recruiter, do we need an ATS too?  If we have a LinkedIn Recruiter account, why do we need to store resumes anymore? Why not treat LinkedIn as our corporate ATS – track and search candidates as required within it.

Points recruiters (3rd party recruiters & Corporate recruiters) planning to Use LinkedIn as an ATS need to be aware of:

3rd & Corporate Party recruiters

  1. First of all remember – Companies get resumes of candidates from multiple sources – LI, job portals, websites, referrals, mail-in, cold call etc….. LI is just one of many sources
  2. ATS shows you if anyone from your company has spoken to the candidate through any other channel. You don’t get that information if you are only within LinkedIn
  3. ATS enables you to follow your standard recruiting process for LI candidates as you do with candidates from other channels
  4.  Email marketing from ATS is cheaper, more professional, retains company branding and is safer – ATS enables recruiters and companies to do drip marketing, touch point marketing and use other emailing techniques. LinkedIn recruiter is not good for it. It does not allow you to send customized letters and invitations. Inmails cost too much money. A few people clicking on IDK (I don’t know) can get companies into problems with LinkedIn
  5. ATS enables non LI heavy users such as Managers and other staff to collaborate on hiring
  6. ATS is a good repository to maintain candidate’s referral checks, resumes, recommendation letters and other documents
  7. ATS hold all email trail for current and future usage
  8. ATS provides you access to full social foot prints in a easy manner – this is important during final rounds of interviews
  9. ATS enables organizations to generate activity and performance reports, by integrating  candidates from all channels including LI source, job portals
  10. With transfer of candidates to ATS, you will have access to the candidate even after candidate decides to disable themselves from LI for whatever reason. Many top candidates are finding LI disruptive with too many recruiters sending them email
  11. Add all high probability candidates in LI to ATS – future search for skills and qualifications can be restricted to this small of highly targeted people for the first pass
  12. You may want to send resumes to clients & hiring managers, not LI profiles. Import LI profiles and resumes into ATS first

3rd Party Recruiters

  1. ATS for 3rd party recruiters forms a great audit trail.
  2. You may want to send resumes to clients & hiring managers, not LI profiles. Import LI profiles and resumes into ATS first
  3. Enables one to track which candidate resumes were sent which companies, and which manager interviewed them,
  4. Also outcome and billing information is all in one place
  5. Easy to manage splits
  6. Great for checking for contract-breaking hires later on

How do we, at eGrabber, know what Recruiters are thinking?

Our sales and business development folks talk to hundreds of recruiters every month. We provide tools for recruiter to import resumes from any job-portal, website, folder or search engine into an ATS. Our tools helps find emails, phone numbers and other contact details. We also provide tools to check for unreported placements.

How B2B Buyers are changing the game for B2B Product Organizations

How B2B Buyers are changing the game for B2B Product Organizations

There are two relevant trends in B2B products and services buying habits, that B2B companies have to deal with…

  1. B2B buyers Spend 60% of their time in online research – and get influenced by it
  2. Buyers are less interested in a pitch from a salesperson since they get richer and more authentic information from their peers, independent influencers and experts

Buy Now.. Just became harder

How a company’s marketing and sales people deal with trends decides how successful they are in acquiring customers.

They need to make sure their product’s usage and advantages are in places where their prospects research. They especially need to be where their competitors are.

They need to make sure their supporters & influencers are helping support the product and messaging

For marketing this means making product information available through various channels that include

  • Accessible thru Google
  • Blogs
  • LinkedIn conversations
  • LinkedIn endorsements
  • Webinar on product education
  • Webinar – endorsements by experts
  • Industry trade journals
  • News
  • Case-studies
  • Especially where competitors are
  • Products need to be available for demos at relevant trade-shows and conferences

For sales people this means

  • Sales person should get used to doing research a purchaser would, at least once a quarter – just in case things changed
  • Sales person need to have  in-depth knowledge of on competitive content available
  • Sales person need to have  in-depth understanding of strengths and weakness of competitive products
  • Sales person knowing who in our supporter circle can influence the sales
  • Sales person showing an understanding of the pains the customer is suffering and the gains they seek is far more important than knowing their friend and brother
  • Sales person need to articulate why our product is better than our competition and demonstrate it in a meaningful manner

Wish you best of luck for 2014!

Agency Recruiters and LinkedIn

Agency Recruiters and LinkedIn

“Are Agency recruiters still relevant in this age of LinkedIn, where ever recruiter has access to almost all the talent they need?”

I have hundreds of eGrabber customers, who are Agency recruiters who find LinkedIn very relevant. These are agencies that know how to cultivate passive candidates.

If I were LinkedIn and I had a choice to focus on Corporate Recruiters or 3rd party recruiters – the answer is simple. Focus on who can pay you the most – and that would be corporate recruiters with100x or even1000x more buying capacity.

That does not mean LinkedIn is not a a great resource for savvy 3rd party recruiters who are productivity and process drvien. Only the smarter ones now will get the business. The others will join corporations back as an average recruiter/sourcer.

I don’t see many generic 3rd party recruiter franchises growing rapidly. They need to specialize in some manner & compete in a different manner.