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Attract & Convert: How to Get Sales Leads using Inbound Marketing

Attract & Convert: How to Get Sales Leads using Inbound Marketing

For many businesses, generating strong sales leads is a top priority, but a vexing one. B2B marketers, according to HubSpot, face a common foe: 61% struggle with lead generation. You need clues about the people and businesses that will buy your products and services, but how to get sales leads is a constant problem.

Plus, unethical entities may take advantage of that challenge. Companies selling bogus leads are not uncommon. They may misrepresent where they got the leads or how they qualified them. Businesses may later realize that they bought worthless sales leads.

Whether you’re selling B2B products or services, or trying to generate more leads for your website, one of the best ways to grow your business and avoid being scammed is to create a system for generating your own leads. This is why inbound is your best friend to attract qualified leads.

But how? Let’s explore some of the most popular inbound marketing strategies that will help you to get sales leads for your business.

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How to Get Sales Leads through Proven Inbound Strategies


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the silent guardian, leading prospects to your doorstep. It’s not merely about keywords; it’s about understanding user intent, providing valuable content that answers their queries, and optimizing your online presence to shine in search results.

A well-structured website and content that resonates effortlessly with your audience can help you get sales leads and pave the way for inbound success.


Blogs are the heartbeats of inbound marketing. They offer a platform to engage, educate, and entice your audience. With informative, valuable content, you not only attract attention but also position yourself as an authority in your industry.

Share your expertise and knowledge through regular blog posts, stories, and solutions, addressing pain points and offering guidance.

Each post is a conversation starter, nurturing relationships that could eventually help you go get sales leads.

Guest Blogging:

Collaboration is the secret sauce of inbound strategies. Guest blogging allows you to tap into broader audiences, leveraging the credibility of other platforms. It’s an opportunity to showcase your expertise to new eyes, establish connections, and invite fresh traffic to your own digital realm.

Expand your reach by venturing into other blogs – not as a salesman, but as a generous expert. Offer valuable guest posts that enrich the host’s audience and subtly showcase your own expertise.

Soon, readers will be following your trail back to your own content, willing to know more.

Infographics, eBooks, and White Papers:

Infographics – Sometimes, plain text just won’t cut it. Visual content can be the game-changer for inbound marketing. Dazzle prospects with visually stunning infographics that condense complex information into bite-sized nuggets of gold, making your expertise readily digestible and shareable.

eBooks – Imagine offering a detailed guide, a roadmap to their business challenges. Ebooks do just that, establishing you as a trusted authority and nurturing leads along the buyer’s journey. Don’t gatekeep this knowledge! Give it freely, and reap the rewards of long-lasting loyalty. These valuable resources sow the seeds of trust, fostering long-term relationships.

White Papers – For prospects seeking deep dives, white papers are your anchors. These research-backed documents solidify your brand as a thought leader, attracting high-quality leads hungry for in-depth insights. Be the lighthouse in the content storm, guiding them to your safe harbor.

These content pieces are valuable resources that attract leads. Offering them as gated content, requiring contact information for access, can help you to get sales leads for your business.

Case Studies: 

Case studies are real-life success stories that resonate. They are testimonials in action, showcasing how your products or services have solved problems and delivered tangible results. They serve as social proof, building credibility and trust, and are compelling tools to influence potential prospects and get sales leads.

Showcase your previous successes through detailed case studies. These real-world examples can turn swaying potential prospects into buying customers.

Email Newsletters:

Email remains a stalwart in the world of digital communication. Newsletters are not just updates; they are personalized connections with your audience. They offer exclusive content, insights, and solutions, keeping your brand fresh in subscribers’ minds and nurturing potential leads.

Nurture your leads with regular email newsletters, helpful tips, industry updates, exclusive content and keep them engaged.

Social Media Engagement: 

Social platforms are bustling marketplaces for lead generation. These platforms foster relationships, elevate brand visibility, and offer opportunities to convert engaged followers into valuable leads.

Engage with your audience, share valuable content, and interact genuinely. (Learn how you can get sales leads from LinkedIn Likes, Events and Followers.)

Be the friendly face of your brand, and soon, those casual chats will blossom into business opportunities.

Paid Advertising:

While inbound marketing primarily focuses on organic traffic, paid advertising can be a catalyst. Targeted ads on social media and search engines allow you to reach specific demographics. When executed strategically, paid ads complement inbound efforts, driving relevant traffic and potential sales leads.

Paid advertising allows you to strategically target your ideal customers with laser-like precision.

It enables you to amplify your reach and draw the exact leads you need to thrive.

Attract & Get Sales Leads using Inbound Magic

Inbound marketing isn’t just a strategy; it’s a philosophy—an ethos of building relationships and fostering genuine connections. It’s about offering value and relevance, guiding prospects through their buyer’s journey, and ultimately turning them into loyal customers. The magic lies not in a single method but in the combination of two or more of these inbound tools, harmonizing them to create a symphony that resonates with your audience.

Don’t forget to experiment! Try new content formats, track your results, and constantly refine your strategy. Who knows, you might even discover a hidden spring of golden leads beneath the surface, forever transforming your business into a lead-generating paradise.

Remember, inbound marketing efforts takes time and dedication. But with the right tools and consistent nurturing, you can transform your once-barren sales pipeline into a flourishing haven for ready-to-convert leads.

Start building your inbound marketing strategy today, and get sales leads consistently!

How to Generate Top Quality B2B Leads & Close Deals Faster

How to Generate Top Quality B2B Leads & Close Deals Faster

B2B Lead Generation is not about quantity but quality of leads. Generating hundreds of leads that are generic or irrelevant will not yield the desired outcome. Unfortunately, this is what is happening in most of the B2B companies. They find it difficult to generate top quality B2B leads and it remains as one of their major challenges.         

50+ Fastest Ways to Generate Top Quality B2B Leads!

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Quality of B2B Leads – A Major Challenge

SDRs and lead generation / business development teams are responsible for building the B2B sales pipeline. However, they are finding it difficult and sometimes clueless about how to handle lead generation.  Identifying the right prospects is the #1 challenge and the next big challenge is finding business contact information as the data is incomplete most of the times.

Buying leads from vendors is another option to cut down the time and grab a few number of leads quickly. But there is no guarantee that all the leads you buy are your target audience. Another challenge is the quality of data. The leads are generally procured over a period of time. By the time you buy, maybe the contacts might have joined another company or got promoted or moved to another industry or geography, etc. The contact information cannot be relied upon. Most importantly, the leads you buy from vendors are very expensive.

Planning your marketing campaigns based on inaccurate data or low quality of leads can be a disaster not only for the marketing team but for the organization as well. You burn your hard-earned money on leads that are not your target audience. You not only lose your money, but lose your precious time, team morale and lose sales opportunities to your competitors. This is where tools & technology come in handy.

Software to Generate Top Quality B2B Leads & Close Sales Faster

generate top quality B2B leads

LeadGrabber Pro is a B2B lead generation software that helps you to generate top quality B2B leads & close deals faster. The B2B lead generation tool helps you to find the right prospects that suit your ideal customer profile.

  • Generate only Fresh Leads – The tool intelligently skips the leads that are already available in your CRM and gets you only fresh leads 20x faster than experts.
  • Generate Top Quality Leads with Similar Interests – Knowing the likes and interests of your prospects play a vital role in personalizing your message and customizing your offering. With a click of a button, LeadGrabber Pro helps you to generate leads with similar interests.
  • Generate Laser-Focused B2B leads from Groups & Events – LeadGrabber also helps you to generate targeted leads from groups & events on social media platforms. You can drill down your prospects and generate only those leads that suit your ideal customer profile.
  • Generate Leads that Close Faster – LeadGrabber Pro helps you to identify high-probability prospects – prospects who are more likely to buy your product or service. You don’t have to spend more time or effort with these type of prospects. You can close deals faster with high-probability prospects.
  • Get Coworker Emails for Free – LeadGrabber Pro gives you coworker emails for Free! Say, you reached out to your targeted prospect – a C-suite executive and she didn’t respond. Coworker emails will help you to reach out to the C-level decision maker who did not respond. You can also reach out to multiple contacts in your target companies.
  • Generate Leads on Auto Pilot Mode – You can automate the entire process – Just set it up once. LeadGrabber Pro automatically builds your targeted prospect list and finds business email addresses & phone numbers of targeted prospects. You can generate 500 leads every single day and get them on your inbox.

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to generate top quality B2B leads in no time. You don’t have to worry about either quantity or quality. LeadGrabber takes care of that. You can generate B2B leads like experts, save a lot of time & resources and focus more on reaching the prospects rather than spending countless hours on the Internet. With a click of a button, you can transfer your leads to Excel, Outlook, Salesforce, PCRecruiter, etc.

LeadGrabber Pro is the only B2B lead generation software that helps you to generate top quality B2B leads in more than 50 fastest ways.

What are you waiting for?

Download LeadGrabber Pro today & Get 150 Contacts for Free!

How to Get prospects on LinkedIn to callback

How to Get prospects on LinkedIn to callback

Prospects on LinkedIn – I’m lucky to be working with some remarkable people who push the boundaries of prospecting.

LinkedIn’s new InMail Policy allows you to send only 15 messages for free per month. For those who know how to send InMails for free via Groups, this was a HUGE setback.
But not for my colleague Matt.

Matt is our sales development rep and has a reputation for setting a consistent number of demos, no matter what. So when this new LinkedIn InMail policy came up, instead of spending a bundle on InMail, he just changed tactics.

The result: his numbers didn’t even take a dent.

Here’s his two step formula that worked…

1. Just by changing LinkedIn Headline, he attracted InBound Inquiries

Matt knows the pulse of our ideal customer. He’s figured out how to find that prospect on LinkedIn.

  • He changed his LinkedIn headline to something that would be of interest to prospects.
  • He searched LinkedIn for those prospects & opened profiles
  • This generated LinkedIn notifications on prospect’s “Who visited your profile” section
  •  A small percentage of prospects visit his profile and ask him for demo every week

2. Sent outbound email to business email address

For those prospects who did not react to Matt’s profile visit, he got their email address using eMail Prospector and sent an outbound email to their business email address.

He used this most effectively on LinkedIn Group members. He could now contact just about anyone in his network.

Getting Direct business email address made easy

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Here’s a video demo of eMail-Prospector, for you to see it live.

and here’s how to use eMail-Prospector

How to Generate Leads from LinkedIn Groups (Quickly)

How to Generate Leads from LinkedIn Groups (Quickly)

If you want your B2B business to sustain & grow, you need to consistently generate new sales leads. One of the best ways is to generate leads on LinkedIn. Why? It is the fastest-growing professional networking site where you can find more than 700 million professionals, all at one place. If you want to generate targeted leads, then LinkedIn groups is the best option. Do you want to know how to generate leads from LinkedIn? This blog post will help you to learn how to use LinkedIn for lead generation.

Are you trying to Generate Sales Leads From Linkedin Groups?
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How to use LinkedIn for Lead Generation

A lot of B2B companies are using LinkedIn to generate leads and they are quite successful too. In this blog post, let us see how LinkedIn groups can be of great help to companies for LinkedIn B2B lead generation. LinkedIn Groups help you to Find your Target Audience that matches your Ideal Customer Profile. LinkedIn groups enable you to target prospects that aren’t your connections. You can find hundreds and thousands of like-minded professionals, all in one group.

LinkedIn groups also enable you to engage with your audience effectively. There are millions of LinkedIn groups. This simply shows the vast potential that businesses can tap into if they mastered the art of how to use LinkedIn for lead generation effectively, especially LinkedIn groups.

how to generate leads on linkedin

7 Tips on How to Generate Leads from LinkedIn using Groups

Here are 7 proven tips that will help you to learn how to generate B2B leads on LinkedIn using Groups. This step-by-step process will help you to learn the art of using LinkedIn to generate leads.

1. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups

The first step is to search for LinkedIn groups that are relevant for your business. You can use keywords to search LinkedIn groups. For example, if you want to search groups related to “B2B sales”, “B2B marketing”, “B2B lead generation”, “decision makers,” etc, enter the search criteria to find those groups. Identify LinkedIn groups where your prospects are and join those groups. Also join LinkedIn groups that belong to a specific industry you are targeting. Once you have sent the request to join groups, it might take some time for approval.

how to generate leads on linkedin

You can also try creating LinkedIn groups. You can create your own LinkedIn group but it would take a long time to reap the benefits, especially with respect to LinkedIn B2B lead generation. You have to invite your connections to join the group and it takes a lot of time to have a sizeable number of group members.

2. Follow LinkedIn Groups Best Practices

Now that you have joined LinkedIn groups, you have to follow LinkedIn groups best practices to successfully leverage its potential. It will help you to participate, contribute and engage with the prospects well within the rules and guidelines mandated by the group owners and admins. This enables you to stay safe and make the most of the benefits of LinkedIn groups for your business.

3. Engage with Prospects on LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups enable you to engage with your targeted prospects effectively. Initially, you can just observe the discussions happening in the group, the type of questions posted, answers and suggestions, the pain points that they are facing, etc. Once you get a hold of what’s happening, you can start participating in the group. You can also contribute to the group by sharing valuable insights that helps group members solve their problems.

4. Become a LinkedIn Thought Leader

You can become a LinkedIn thought leader on LinkedIn Groups. Do not jump into every discussion. Choose the topics that you are familiar with and have enough knowledge. This helps you to contribute genuinely and in a more meaningful manner. When you continue to share more insights and useful information about a particular topic, it makes the group members to see you as a go-to person for solutions in that area. You can also raise questions that you are interested in to start a discussion. When you are sharing articles, please do not stick to your blog or websites. Share other blog posts & articles that are helpful to the group members.

5. What you should avoid on LinkedIn Groups

One of the most important things you have to keep in mind is, do not promote your products or services aggressively. Because some groups have rules that restrict certain things that you need to be aware of. Violating those rules might lead to blockage or removal from the group. Generally, LinkedIn groups don’t allow excessive promotion or hard selling and spamming the group with multiple posts that annoy other group members.

Please avoid joining groups where you will not be able to contribute.  Posting random information that is completely irrelevant to the audience or the discussion topic might put you in bad light. Also, starting a discussion and not responding to group member’s queries/responses is also a big NO on LinkedIn groups.

6. How to Generate B2B Leads on LinkedIn Groups

As said earlier, you can generate leads on LinkedIn Groups. Now you are part of the groups where your target audience hangs in. You need to focus on the group members, analyze the group members – the industry, title, etc. What are their goals, what motivates them, and what they are interested in?

These inputs will help you to understand the group members better and create content that caters to their needs. This ensures that your posts and updates add value and are relevant to your target audience. Also, you can create content based on a question that is often raised in the group.

The next step is to finalize the type of content – a blog post or video etc. based on the purpose. Once you have created killer content that attracts your prospects, you can start sharing the content on LinkedIn and LinkedIn groups as well. Please ensure that your post entices the prospects to click through to your content. This is where you are pulling your target audience towards your blog or website.

In other words, you are generating sales leads for your business. You can use any interesting statistics, findings, solutions or any powerful words that grab your prospect’s attention and make them to click. Also, if you are a member of multiple groups, ensure that you tailor your message according to the groups. Avoid posting the same message across all groups.

7. Engage your Target Audience via Direct Messages

Another way to engage your target audience is to send content links via direct message to your LinkedIn group members. Again, please refrain from any hard-selling tactics. Start the conversation with a subtle approach. Some people might respond. Reply to them promptly with relevant information or data that they ask for.

Try building a rapport, earn their trust and maybe you can gradually get into the zone when you think that the time is ripe. Posting valuable content on groups will help you to generate B2B leads on LinkedIn. However, you need to know the limits that help you to be in the safe zone.

generate leads from LinkedIn

Measure the results periodically. Analyze the topics that get more engagements – likes, share, discussions, interactions & inquiries. What type of content works best for you. By this way, you can eliminate certain things that don’t work for you and improve on the strategies that gives you good results.

LinkedIn groups is an effective way to reach your target audience with the right message, engage with them, build relationships and generate sales leads.

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How to Quickly Generate B2B Leads & Boost your Sales ROI

How to Quickly Generate B2B Leads & Boost your Sales ROI

In the competitive world of B2B marketing, generating high-quality leads is crucial for driving sales and business growth. If you are not able to consistently generate B2B leads for your business, then you are in trouble.

Most of the B2B companies say that one of their toughest challenges is to Generate a Continuous Stream of B2B Sales Leads.

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What is even worse is, some companies spend a lot of time and resources looking for B2B leads at the wrong places.

Search engines, professional networking sites, online business directories are rich sources to generate B2B leads. But the challenge is, you got to manually search various websites to find your prospects and their contact information. It takes a lot of time and effort. This is where a B2B lead generation software such as LeadGrabber Pro can offer you the winning edge.

LeadGrabber Pro – #1 Software to Generate B2B Leads

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to generate B2B leads for your business in no time.

The lead generation software enables you to easily & effortlessly build:

  • Decision makers list from any industry along with their business contact information
  • Targeted prospect list with specific job titles
  • Append verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your targeted prospects

LeadGrabber Pro enables you to generate sales leads based on industry, job title, geography, company size, and revenue.

You can instantly transfer your prospect lists to Excel or your CRM.

With LeadGrabber Pro, you don’t have to spend countless hours on lead generation anymore. Just run the tool overnight and the next day your sales team can start emailing or calling your prospects right away! It saves a lot of your time and resources and helps you focus on closing more sales and improving your sales ROI.

A lot of B2B companies have used LeadGrabber Pro and reaped great benefits – generated B2B leads faster, acquired more clients, closed more sales, increased sales revenue and many more!

Why would you want to wait? 

Download your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts Free! 

How to Feed your Sales Engine with Qualified B2B Sales Leads

How to Feed your Sales Engine with Qualified B2B Sales Leads

Feeding your sales engine with a steady flow of qualified B2B sales leads is one of the vital ingredients of success.


Let us first look at some of the effective B2B lead generation methods that are widely used by B2B marketers – Inside sales, Telemarketing, Email marketing, Tradeshows, Conferences, Webinars, Websites, Search marketing, Social media.

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Do you really need to employ all of the above methods for your business or is there a B2B lead generation formula that works like magic? The answer is a big NO. The fact is there is no “one size fits all” solution. You got to experiment and figure out what works best for your business.

Once you set the things right doesn’t mean that you can go on with it for life. What works for you today might not work after a year. So you got to continuously experiment on various things to stay afloat and move forward which eventually takes a lot of your time and resources. This is where a B2B lead generation software such as LeadGrabber can be handy.

Generate Qualified B2B Sales Leads in no time!

LeadGrabber helps you to generate qualified B2B sales leads from the Internet in no time. It helps you to build fresh B2B sales leads lists along with contact information such as name, job title, company, business email address, phone number, address, website, etc. based on the industry, domain, location, etc.

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to feed your sales engine with qualified B2B sales leads. It also helps you to append verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your contacts and find top decision makers in a company.

This is what a happy customer has to say about LeadGrabber Pro – The best B2B sales lead engine!

B2B lead generation - best B2B sales leads engine

Download your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts Free! 

3 Companies Who increased Webinar Registration Ratio, Targeting Online Social Profiles

3 Companies Who increased Webinar Registration Ratio, Targeting Online Social Profiles

In a webinar I spoke at yesterday, we showcased three companies whose webinar invitees list was built from Online Profiles and Online Groups using LeadGrabber Pro.

The companies got between 20-120 times improvement in their Email-Registrant conversion ratio, over the traditional method of inviting people.

Traditionally, these companies were purchasing contact lists or downloading contacts from Jigsaw and sending out webinar invitations to those contacts. Then, they were introduced to the eGrabber method of Identifying Profiles and Groups, and using LeadGrabber Pro to make a list of the group members, with their email addresses. When they sent out email invitations, here were the results they got…

3 Companies Who increased Webinar Registration Ratio, Targeting Online Social Profiles 7

The first company is a virtual agent provider. As you can see from the table, with the traditional method they were able to get 4 out of 3500 contacts to register from a purchased list. However, by searching on for user groups that were having discussions related to their webinar, they were able to message to a very targeted list of only 84 harvested contacts. The result is that they were able to get almost 3x more registrants, resulting in a 119 times better email to registrant conversion ratio.

3 Companies Who increased Webinar Registration Ratio, Targeting Online Social Profiles 8

The second company provides provides application lifecycle management and IT service  management solutions. Here is a comparison of a purchased list with about 4400 contacts compared to sourcing contacts from a targeted discussion group. They almost had the exact same amount of registrants from harvesting 133 contacts. The key take away is that these examples are just samples of sourcing contacts from just one group!

3 Companies Who increased Webinar Registration Ratio, Targeting Online Social Profiles 9

The third company provides IT security and compliance management solutions that help reduce the time it takes to complete the certification process. Similar to the previous example, they almost got the exact same number of registrants as they did from a purchased list. Resulting in a 19 times better email to registrant conversion ratio.

To see how LeadGrabber Pro builds the list for Webinar Registration, and appends email addresses, contact [email protected]