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Author: Clinton Rozario

Clinton Rozario is a B2B List Building technology expert and architected LeadGrabber Pro, the B2B List Building Tool from eGrabber. Clinton joined eGrabber in 2003. He held key roles in R&D, developing strategic and proprietary technologies. He is now responsible for development of eGrabber's List Building and List Completion Tool Suite. He is also available on LinkedIn.
How to Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel in 3 Simple Steps

How to Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel in 3 Simple Steps

Yellow Pages directories is one of the most popular online business directories to look for sales leads. It helps you to search and find your targeted prospects. But, to build prospect lists, you need to manually export yellow pages directories to Excel or use sales lead generation tools to get the work done quickly. This blog post will help you to learn how you can do that in 3 simple steps.

Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel Instantly

Try for Free!

Exporting data from yellow pages directories to Excel can be useful for businesses looking to generate leads or build a mailing list. To extract data from yellow pages to Excel, there are a few options available. One option is to manually copy and paste the desired information into an Excel document.

Another method is to use tools such as sales lead generation tool, data extraction tool, yellow pages data extractor or a directory list extractor. These tools help extract contact information such as business name, address, phone number, and email address from yellow pages listings and export them into an Excel spreadsheet.

With these tools, businesses can quickly and efficiently create a yellow pages mailing list, allowing them to quickly reach out to potential customers and clients.

How to Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel (Manually)

Yellow pages directories is a directory of business contacts. Most of the sales people spend a lot of their time & effort to build business contact lists, prospect lists, business mailing lists, email marketing lists, and cold calling lists. Before calling the prospects, you need to manually copy-paste the data from yellow pages directories to Excel. You have to copy every single detail from yellow pages directories and paste them into your excel spreadsheet or database. Building such lists helps a lot but it is a time-consuming and tiresome task for busy sales professionals. It is also prone for errors. This is where a sales lead generation tool such as ListGrabber comes in handy.

Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel in 3 Simple Steps

ListGrabber is a powerful sales lead generation tool that helps you to export yellow pages directories to excel in 3 simple steps – Search, Select & Grab.

To export yellow pages directories to excel,

Go to any yellow pages directory and search for your target audience.

Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel

The search results are displayed. Now, select the search results.

You have two options to export yellow pages search to Excel spreadsheet:

how to export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel
  • Click on the Excel icon on the ListGrabber toolbar. ListGrabber instantly exports data from yellow pages directories to excel. The contacts from the yellow pages directories search page are transferred to the Excel spreadsheet in no time.
  • Another option is, click the Grab button on the ListGrabber toolbar. This option enables you to instantly capture the data from yellow pages directory search results to the ListGrabber grid. You can verify the contact details and check for duplicate contacts. Now you can select Excel as the destination application and then transfer all or selected contacts to Excel.

Software to Export Yellow Pages Directories to Excel in a Click

With ListGrabber, exporting data from yellow pages directories to excel is a breeze. It helps you to save a lot of your time and spend more time speaking with your prospects.

ListGrabber captures the name, address, email ID, phone number, Fax and other contact details of the targeted prospects (multiple contacts) and transfers them into an Excel spreadsheet or your database. ListGrabber helps you to export yellow pages directories data and transfer them to Excel, ACT!, Outlook, etc. You can also transfer to other databases using .CSV files.

Try ListGrabber to export business leads & contacts from yellow pages directories or any other source on the Internet in a single click.

Download your FREE Trial Now!

eGrabber is not affiliated with any providers of online directories or lists. ListGrabber is designed to import contact data that is visible on the screen and copy able to a clipboard. All eGrabber tools should be used only where it is legal to do so.

How to get Clients for Outsourcing Business & IT Services

How to get Clients for Outsourcing Business & IT Services

How to get clients for Outsourcing Business – Did you know there’s a PUBLIC and FREE way to Find People and Companies who WANT to hire your IT or Outsourcing services?

It’s right there, in public view. For Free. And almost no one is tapping that resource! This post shows you how to find clients for outsourcing company.

Get Direct Clients for Outsourcing Business & IT Services in a Click!

Sign Up for Live Demo

People are raising their hands in THIS public source…

Where do people go when they need New Expertise?

1. First they try their personal network

2. Second they try hiring.

If both fails, they are now ready for Outsourcing. They are now ready to hire YOU.

So how do you find such people who have tried and failed??

The Answer: Job Postings which are 90+ days old!

clients for outsourcing business

In this post, I am going to show you an easy way of finding such people & companies who have tried to hire people and have probably failed.

I am going to show you how to get to job postings which are 90+ days old.

And then I’m going to show you how to find the decision makers in those companies. Using tools you already have.

At the end of this post, You will have a list of prospects who are looking for Your Expertise.

But wait, how do I see Job Postings which are 90+ days old?

If you are familiar with Job Postings websites, you will be wondering how to see job postings from over 90 days ago.

Most job posting websites show job postings from a few hours ago to a few days ago.

They have time filters, but none of those time filters give you a way of seeing past 90 days.

This post is going to show you an advanced / power-user way of getting to those 90-day old job postings.

How to Get Clients for Outsourcing Business

We are going to use a specific job posting portal for this =>

This method works best with if you want to find clients for outsourcing business.

Step 1: Find Companies that need Outsourcing

How to find companies that need outsourcing?

Well, copy this link and paste it in your browser.

This link shows you Indeed Job posts for companies hiring DEVOPS.

Or, click this link. All the results you see will be between 90 and 120 days old. You will be seeing companies who have a need for DEVOPS.

The job posting itself might say “30+ days old”, but if you know how to check the underlying HTML source code, you will be able to find the actual date of posting!

Here’s the breakdown of the link, for the expert reader…

The secret is in the &fromage=120&toage=90 part of the link. This part has a hidden command to to give back all job postings which are from 90 to 120 days old. If you like to increase that number upwards, you can do that too. Just change the 90 or the 120 part of the link.

The sr=directhire part of the link removes all recruiting agencies from the results, so that you only get the actual companies who have a need.

The q=DEVOPS part of the link is where you put in your specialty. So if you are not selling DEVOPS outsourcing, type in the keywords of your specialty in place of the word DEVOPS.

The link gives you results for those hiring DEVOPS. But you can edit that and put in your own specialty.

For example,"Appointment Setting"&fromage=120&toage=90&sr=directhire

Or, click this link. Just make sure you edit the link in the browser address bar – DO NOT edit the text in the web page.

Step 2: Find Decision Makers in Companies

Great, now I have Companies that need outsourcing (who can hire me), but how do I get the decision makers in them?

I’m going to take you one step further.

Now that you have the list of companies, you need to separate those companies with a  ” OR ” and then paste the list of companies into a Sales Navigator or a Recruiter search.

how to find decision makers in LinkedIn Sales Navigator
(click to zoom image)

Then apply Title filters in LinkedIn, and … magic… you get the decision makers you have to reach out to.

How to type in Job Titles in LinkedIn Sales Navigator
(click to zoom image)

What next?

get clients for outsourcing business
(click to zoom image)

Reach out to those decision makers with your pitch…

“Hi, I saw that you are looking for expertise in  (fill your expertise here)  and I think I can help….”

Wish you Luck!

How to Get Clients for Outsourcing Business (in an automated way)

If you think the above process involves a lot of manual work, then you need JobGrabber. JobGrabber is a tool that helps you to automate all the above processes and get “directclients for outsourcing business in no time.

You don’t have to manually visit multiple job boards or manually sift through hundreds and thousands of job postings on job boards, eliminate the duplicates and build a list of offshore companies that are hiring.

With a click of a button, JobGrabber does that for you. You get the US outsourcing companies list – list of new companies that are hiring, you also get the CXO list of companies that are hiring. With a click of a button, you get the offshore outsourcing companies list.

You don’t need to spend countless hours on the job boards and Internet. JobGrabber helps you to save a lot of time that you can use to reach out to decision makers in companies that are hiring. You can easily & effortlessly find companies looking for outsourcing and get outsourcing business in no time.

With JobGrabber, you can spend more time to close deals, get contracts and get clients for outsourcing business.

You can start your prospecting in 1 day…

What are you waiting for?

Sign Up for a Free Trial Now!

B2B List Building: How to Quickly Build B2B Contact Lists

B2B List Building: How to Quickly Build B2B Contact Lists

B2B list building is nothing but building a list of business contacts who are likely to buy your product or service. Why you should build your B2B contact lists? Because you would be clueless if you don’t have one. You wouldn’t know who to target, who you contacted and who are really your prospects and so on. Remember, whether you are launching a new product or hosting a free webinar or introducing an irresistible sales deal, you need a B2B contact list to reach out to your contacts.

Build B2B Contact Lists in a Click! (Prospects who are likely to buy)

Try for Free!

B2B contact lists

A B2B contact list is a collection of contact information for individuals working at other businesses, compiled for B2B (business-to-business) marketing, sales, or outreach purposes. It typically includes details like name, job title, company information – industry, contact details – email address, phone, etc. and other additional information.

Whether you call it a company contact list or a corporate contact list, nurturing a well-organized and up-to-date directory is crucial for business success. These lists unlock efficient communication, targeted marketing efforts, and streamlined business operations, ultimately fueling growth and fostering valuable connections.

How to Get your B2B Contact Lists

There are many ways to get your B2B contact list. If you are clueless about how to get business contacts, read on. Renting or buying business contact lists might seem to be a quick solution but it has its own shortcomings. You need to first find a reliable list vendor. You will have to pay per contact and chances are more that you might get the same contact list as your competitor. In addition, the contacts in these lists might have been outdated or become obsolete. Because, these lists are obtained from a B2B contact database that was stored for over a period of time.

Studies reveal that contact data stored in B2B contact database decays at the rate of 22% every year. Even though you buy a list, you need to verify all those contacts periodically to check if they are really valid. You need to do this after having paid a huge sum for the lists. It is a daunting task for marketing folks. This is why experts advise that building your own business contact list always yields better results than buying lists from vendors.

Automated List Building Tool to Build B2B Contact Lists in a Click!

Try for Free!

How to Create B2B Contact Lists (Manually)

Your business contact list is the gateway to success. You will have to create, refine, grow and optimize your business contact list for maximum impact and results.

If you want to create business contact lists, try the following 5 steps.

  1. Identify your Ideal Customers– This is one of the most basic and important elements that determine the quality of your B2B contacts list. You need to identify who your ideal prospects are without which you might be going after some people who might not be your prospects. You get to know the outcome only after you have spent enough on your sales & marketing campaigns. This might prove to be a costly mistake if you don’t identify your ideal customers right from building your B2B contact list or B2B contact database.
  2. Find B2B contacts on the Internet & Social Networks – Search engines, company websites, business directories, professional networking sites such as LinkedIn are some of the best places to find your B2B contacts that match your ideal customer profile. You need to manually visit hundreds of websites and other sources to find your contacts. Some of the other sources where you can find your B2B contacts are blogs, user groups, forums, press releases, etc.
  3. Build your own Business Contact Lists– Now that you have found your ideal B2B contacts, the next step is to build your B2B contact list. You have to manually find them from various sources and copy-paste them into an Excel sheet or CRM. You will have to copy-paste the name, company, title, email address, phone, website URL, etc. You need to be very careful while building your B2B contact list, because manual list building is prone for typo errors. These errors can make you lose your opportunities.
  4. Find B2B Contact Info – Business Email Address & Phone– This is one of the important steps in building a B2B Contact database. You can get the list of business contacts but getting B2B contact data such as business email address & phone is a tough task. You can’t find B2B contact information on social networks, especially business email address & phone number for decision makers or C-level executives. You need to use various Internet research skills to find B2B contact data – business email and phone of your B2B contacts.
  5. Verify Email & Phone – This is another important step in building B2B lead lists that you can’t afford to skip. Now that you have built your B2B contact list with business email and phone, you need to verify if those emails & phone numbers are valid. You can use the email verification services or tools to verify emails. As far as phone numbers are concerned, you will have to manually call up your contacts and verify them. You can find some invalid emails or phone numbers at this stage that you can eliminate from your B2B contacts list.

Your contact list for business is ready!

The Fastest Way to Build Accurate B2B Contact Database!

Try for Free!

Challenges in Building B2B Contact Lists

You have your B2B contact list ready. But the amount of time & effort involved in building your own business-to-business contact list is huge. Based on your requirements, it might take you weeks or even months to create business contact lists, provided you have some Internet research skills.

Busy sales & marketing professionals cannot afford to spend countless hours on building B2B lead lists. Their top priority is to call their contacts and turn them into customers. So, you have to employ another dedicated resource or team for building B2B lead lists.

It increases your expenses as well. This gets worse for small & medium companies, startup companies & entrepreneurs who can’t spend time as well as money on B2B list building. This is where a B2B list building tool such as LeadGrabber comes handy.

Build B2B Contact List / B2B Contact Database in No Time 

LeadGrabber Pro is a B2B list building tool that helps you to quickly build fresh B2B contact lists from the websites, professional & social networking sites and online directories, etc. in no time.

You need to just search for your targeted B2B contacts on sources such as professional networks and filter the results based on your criteria. The results are displayed.  

With a click of a button, LeadGrabber Pro copy-pastes the search results into the grid. You don’t have to manually copy-paste anything. The software intelligently gets you the name, title, company, business email, phone, web URL, etc. in a spreadsheet format.

Find B2B Contact Information Instantly

What’s more? LeadGrabber Pro also helps you to find B2B contact information such as business email addresses and phone numbers of your B2B contacts. Select the records that don’t have business email & phone and click on Append Email & Phone. The built-in patented email appending technology helps you to instantly find B2B contact information – business email addresses and phone numbers of your contacts. LeadGrabber automatically verifies the business email addresses.

You can create B2B contact lists in no time! With a click of a button, you can transfer your business contact lists to Excel, Salesforce, Act!, Outlook, etc.

B2B List Building with LeadGrabber Pro – Benefits

LeadGrabber Pro enables you to:

  • Build your own B2B contact lists easily & effortlessly
  • Build business contact lists for niche markets
  • Build your Best B2B Contact Database in no time
  • Build accurate B2B contact lists & make more sales conversions
  • Save a lot of time & money

With LeadGrabber Pro, building B2B lead lists is a breeze. The B2B list building tool helps you to build your business contact lists in no time and jump start your B2B contact marketing & email marketing campaigns.

Download your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts Free!

How to Build B2B Companies list with Contact information

How to Build B2B Companies list with Contact information

Building B2B companies list is an integral part of B2B lead generation. If you are someone looking to build B2B companies list with contact information, read on. To start with, you need to build a list of industries you want to target. Once that is done, you will have to build a list of B2B companies in those industries. Once you have a B2B company list, you will have to target the right people in those companies.

How to Build B2B Companies List?

B2B experts always advise building your own lists. To build a list of B2B companies with contact information, you have to manually build the list of industries. Then you have to find B2B companies in those industries that meet your criteria (revenue, number of people, location, and so on). Finally, you need to identify the names of decision makers along with their contact information. Though it sounds simple, it involves a lot of time & effort to build B2B companies list with contact information.

Best B2B Prospecting Tool to Find your Ideal Customers in a Click!

Try for Free!

You need to manually visit multiple sources such as company websites, blogs, forums, social & professional networking sites, and so on to identify and find B2B companies. You need to have expert Internet research skills to find B2B companies along with their business contact information.

For example, if you want to build a list of 1000 companies you need to spend several hours or more on the Internet. Sometimes, it can take weeks or even months to build B2B companies list with contact information. This is where smart & successful B2B sales & marketing folks use B2B Lead Generation Software to build a list of 1000 B2B companies in no time.

Build B2B Companies List in a Click

LeadGrabber Pro is a powerful B2B lead generation software that helps you to build B2B companies list with contact information in no time. The B2B lead generation software enables you to build B2B companies lists from social and professional networking sites based on the industry, location, company size, revenue, etc.

Find Decision Makers in B2B Companies

Once you have the B2B company list, the software enables you to find top decision makers in those companies in a single click.

For example, if you want to find CXOs with the title “Vice President, Business Development” in those companies, the B2B Lead Generation Software helps you to easily and effortlessly find people with Vice President, Business Development titles.

find company decision makers

Find Decision Makers Contact Information

What’s more, you can even find verified business email addresses and phone numbers of decision makers as well.

append decision maker emails and phone

The B2B lead generation software performs deep-web searches and finds verified business email addresses and phone numbers of decision makers.

Once the B2B company list is ready, you can transfer the list to, PCRecruiter, Act! and your Excel spreadsheet in a single click.

LeadGrabber helps you to easily and effortlessly build B2B companies list with contact information. It helps you to save a lot of your time and focus more on reaching your prospects.

Download FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts FREE!

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn URL or ID of your Prospects in less than 60 Seconds!

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn URL or ID of your Prospects in less than 60 Seconds!

Prospect research is inevitable if you want to succeed in your email marketing campaigns. There is no better place than LinkedIn to research on your prospects. In order to do that, you need to first find LinkedIn ID of your prospects. This blog post will help you to learn why you need to find LinkedIn ID and how to find someone’s LinkedIn URL or ID with name and company name in no time.

Find LinkedIn URL of your Prospects in a Click!

Try for Free!

Why you should Find LinkedIn ID of your Prospects

Let’s say, you have a list of prospects who you think might be your ideal customers. Sending an email or calling your prospects without having any idea about them or their business wouldn’t yield you the desired results.

On the other hand, if you have the LinkedIn IDs of your prospects, you can go through their profile, know more about their interests, what they are responsible for, understand their business, look for something in common, get some talking points and so on. This information will not only help you to tailor your messaging or sales pitch based on your prospects but also help you to connect with your prospects immediately and ease your conversation. It will also help your prospects to see you as a well-informed salesperson who can offer the best possible solutions to grow their business. Therefore, it is vital that you find LinkedIn IDs of your prospects.   

How to Find LinkedIn URL (Manually)

How to Find LinkedIn URL

How to find LinkedIn URL of your prospects, especially when you have hundreds of prospects on your list? One way is to find LinkedIn URLs by manually searching them by name and company on LinkedIn. But it takes a lot of time and effort on your part which you can otherwise use for tasks that need your utmost attention. If you’re having trouble finding someone’s LinkedIn URL using the methods mentioned above, you can also try using a LinkedIn URL finder tool such as LeadGrabber Pro. LeadGrabber Pro helps you to instantly find LinkedIn profile URL or ID of your targeted prospects based on name and company.  

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn Profile URL in a Click!

LeadGrabber Pro enables you to find LinkedIn profile URLs or LinkedIn IDs of your prospects in a click. The LinkedIn URL finder tool helps you to find LinkedIn Profile IDs of hundreds of prospects in no time. You need to just provide the name & company. 

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn Profile URL in 3 Simple Steps:

  1. Import or Copy-Paste the prospect list with name & company into LeadGrabber Pro.
  2. Select the records and click the Append LinkedIn ID button.
  3. Once the LinkedIn Profile IDs are appended, export the list (Try for Free) to CSV/Excel with a click.

If you have prospect lists without LinkedIn profile URLs in your CRM, you can instantly import them into LeadGrabber Pro, get LinkedIn profile URLs, and then export the list to your CRM. You can seamlessly transfer your prospect lists into Salesforce, Act!, Excel, Outlook, etc.

How to Find LinkedIn ID: How LeadGrabber Pro works?

LeadGrabber Pro is an automated, expert-level, Internet research tool that searches public documents and search engines to find LinkedIn URL in less than 60 seconds (Try for Free). The LinkedIn profile URL finder instantaneously performs real-time live research, so that all the data is correct and updated. The LinkedIn profile finder does not refer to any pre-built database, because those databases decay at the rate of ~2% a month.

How to Find Someone’s LinkedIn URL if a person no longer works in the same company?

LeadGrabber is able to get LinkedIn profile URL even if a person has moved to another company. The LinkedIn profile finder highlights that record with a different color to indicate you that the person has moved companies. 

Can I get the updated business email address and phone number of the person who moved companies?

Yes, LeadGrabber Pro gets you the updated business email addresses & phone numbers of persons who have moved companies. You need to select those records and click Append Email and Phone button. With a click of a button, LeadGrabber Pro appends verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your prospects.

How to Get LinkedIn ID – Can I try a few samples to see if it works for me?

Yes, you can. Fill up this form to get access to the fully functional free trial. We will get back to you with a free demo. Just make sure to tell us that you are looking to figure out How to find LinkedIn ID when we call you.

Download Now & Get LinkedIn Profile URLs of your Prospects in no Time!

3 Advantages that experienced companies can use to beat startups

3 Advantages that experienced companies can use to beat startups

Is your company 3+ years old?

Try this to increase sales fast, especially if you are in competition with startups.

  1. 25% of past customers are now in new companies – target them
  2. 25% of past prospects are now promoted – target them
  3. 25% turnover of past users – target them

Experienced companies have qualified leads and existing customers in their CRM. This is the BIG difference between startups and experienced companies. Startups have to build their lead pipeline from scratch. But experienced companies can dip into their past connections and contacts as another channel to drive new sales.

People change jobs once every 4 years (source: U.S. Government stats ). These stats are from Jan 2020. With the layoffs during COVID, the number is much higher now.

These layoffs are GOOD for your sales. Why? That’s because:

  1. Past Customers and Decision Makers are now in new companies. These are new accounts that you can sign-on.
  2. Past Prospects are now promoted to fill up the gap of those laid off. They now have additional roles and new responsibilities. These are new deal opportunities that were once blocked because these prospects did not have the authority and now they are available to you.
  3. Past users have taken job roles in new companies. They have changed functions and industries, but they rarely change department. These are entirely new markets you have never tapped into before.

Tapping these 3 advantages can help you turn…


3 Advantages that experienced companies can use to beat startups 5

into THIS…

3 Advantages that experienced companies can use to beat startups 6

If you are not re-targeting old contacts in your CRM, you Must Do So Now. That’s because they are 10x easier to engage and close than a cold prospect.

Past prospects already know what you do, and showed interest before, they will be open to improvements you made.

If they were in a role that needed your product in the past, the chances are very high their new role also will require your product. And now they are likely to be in more senior roles.

Take your CRM prospects, customers and users and process them like so:

  1. Scan each CRM contact and identify if they are currently in the same company and in the same role
  2. If online research, social profiles or other evidence points to their movement from their company or role, then research to find their new Job Title and Company
  3. If they have changed companies, find if the new company matches the demographics of your ideal customer ( or are they in a new market you want to target?)
  4. If they have changed companies, find their new business email address and phone number so that you can re-establish connection via LinkedIn, Business Email and Phone conversation and start new business conversations from there

What is the fastest way to know which past customers moved to a new company and are new prospects for you?

If your company has a huge list of past prospects, eGrabber has a Job Change Finder service. It can scan your CRM/Excel list of past prospects & users and build you a list of people who moved to a decision maker role since you last interacted. You will get a list with full contact info including verified email and phone of their new work place. These will be the easiest leads to reach, engage and close.

3 Advantages that experienced companies can use to beat startups 7
Sample Report of eGrabber Job-Change Finder Service

For more details, write to [email protected] or visit the product page here.

How to Find Prospects Who are Active During the Holiday Season

How to Find Prospects Who are Active During the Holiday Season

Finding it tough to get prospects online?

Yes, it’s Christmas season. But how would you know who’s at work?

Try these 2 techniques to find prospects who are active during the holidays:

Tip 1. How to Find Prospects who are active on LinkedIn

In your LinkedIn Sales Navigator, search for your prospects and click on this tab:

How to find Prospects

You will get everyone who’s still active, and thinking about work. Works even better when you target Owners and CEO’s – they never take off!

Tip 2.  Get Alerts when Your Prospects Post / Share anything

In your Sales Navigator home page, have you used the “Lead News” or the “Lead Shares” button?

Get Prospects

You will get articles, shares and posts from your Leads.

If you see nothing in the list on the right, then you have to do one more step. Find all your top leads who you are trying to land a deal with and Add them to a Lead List as shown below:

Find Prospect lists

LeadGrabber Pro is a B2B prospecting tool that enables you to find potential prospects from various sources such as the Internet, corporate websites, social and professional networking sites, blogs, forums, etc. The software also helps you to append verified business email addresses & phone numbers of prospects and enables you to reach prospects who are active during the holidays.

Download your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts Free! 

Happy Hunting during the Holidays!