#1 Sales Prospecting Tool to Book More Demos & Increase Sales

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool to Book More Demos & Increase Sales

Sales prospecting is one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks for B2B companies. Most of the sales & marketing professionals say that sales prospecting is the most challenging stage in their sales process. But, you don’t have a choice and you can’t afford to ignore it. Yes, without an audience whom will you reach out to sell your products & services? Therefore, you have to identify ways to find your targeted prospects and reach out to them. This blog post will help you to easily & effortlessly find your ideal customers and build your prospect list along with verified business contact information in less time.

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool to Book More Demos & Increase Sales

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sales prospecting tool to book more demos & increase sales

Sales Prospecting Methods & Challenges

B2B companies employ various sales prospecting strategies & methods. You don’t have a one-size-fits-all strategy. You need to try out various prospecting methods and choose the best prospecting method that works well for you. Remember, what works for you today might not work after a couple of years. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor and try out different methods to prospect for sales.

Buying lists from vendors is one of the ways to get a list of prospects. It is quick & expensive but unfortunately, it doesn’t provide the desired results. Why because list vendors have readymade lists. The lists that you purchase may or may not have your target audience. Sometimes you spend a lot of money on the list to get only a very few ideal prospects. You cannot get customized prospect lists.  

All the marketing dollars that you spent goes in vain. Your competitor might also have purchased the same list and therefore you lose your competitive advantage as well.   Also, you need to remember the fact that data from readymade lists cannot be relied upon. Because they are stored in the database and studies reveal that 25% of the data in stored databases are outdated and obsolete. You can’t rely upon them.

Tedious & Time-Consuming

Top sales experts say that it is always better to build your own prospect lists. It provides you many benefits. But, it is not an easy job. You will have to encounter many challenges. To build a prospecting list, you need to manually visit hundreds of web pages, blogs, forums, portals, association websites, web directories, social & professional networking sites, etc. It takes a lot of time & resources.   

Missing Business Contact Information

Business contact information is very vital to reach out to your prospects. For example, say you have a list of potential prospects but they don’t have an email address or phone number. What is the use? Therefore It is important to build a list of targeted prospects along with business email addresses and phone.

Typically, you will not get the business email and phone number of your prospects, especially decision makers, on social & professional networking sites. So, you have to manually find them on the Internet. You have to spend countless hours on the Internet. This again is a tiresome & tedious task. The next challenge is to find out if those emails are valid. Again, you have to find various methods to verify emails. It eats up your selling time.

A vast majority of the sales & marketing professionals are encountering the above-mentioned challenges on a daily basis. That is why some of the reps hate sales prospecting. This is where a sales prospecting tool such as LeadGrabber Pro comes in handy for B2B businesses.

#1 Sales Prospecting Tool for Sales Reps & LeadGen Teams

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#1 Sales Prospecting Tool for B2B Businesses

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to easily and effortlessly build B2B prospect lists from professional & social networking sites, company websites, portals, and other sources of B2B prospects. The sales prospecting tool enables you to append verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your prospects in a click.

Using LeadGrabber Pro, you can build targeted B2B prospect lists based on any industry, location, title, company size, etc. The sales prospecting tool takes care of your prospecting needs while you have all the time to reach & speak with your prospects and close more sales.  

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to find your ideal prospects & reach out to them in no time, book 3x more qualified demos and increase sales conversions.

Sales Prospecting Tool Benefits

LeadGrabber Pro helps you to:

  • Build targeted B2B prospect lists in no time
  • Append verified business email addresses with ease
  • Build fresh sales lead lists from any industry
  • Instantly transfer to Excel, Salesforce.com, Outlook and other CRM
  • Save you a lot of time & resources
  • Book more demos, close more sales & increase revenue

LeadGrabber Pro is the most cost-effective solution for sales prospecting & you will not hate sales prospecting anymore but get addicted to it!

Download Your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts FREE!

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