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Category: Online Candidate Sourcing

How staffing companies can reach the best candidates

How staffing companies can reach the best candidates

Some of the top trends in the staffing industry are recruiting top talent, focusing more on passive candidate sourcing, become a strategic business partner to clients and add new clients.

It looks quite easy, but the staffing companies have loads of challenges to overcome before they can become successful. To begin with, staffing firms struggle to find the best candidates. Though traditional candidate databases can help them find some, the best qualified candidates are on social/professional media. So they have to spend quite a lot of time to slowly build relationships with prospective candidates and take it from there.

In order to stay ahead of competition, staffing companies should always be looking for passive candidates from social/professional networks (their assigned budget and given timeframe), and send them to their clients before their competitors do. This is where a passive candidate sourcing tool such as ResumeGrabber JobSuite can be handy.

ResumeGrabber JobSuite helps you to easily and effortlessly source passive candidates from various sources including search engines, social/professional networks, popular job boards and so on.

You don’t have to spend countless hours on the Internet.

All you need to do is just enter the keyword and click Find.

The passive candidate sourcing tool instantly finds the best candidates in no time. You can go through the results in the built-in browser.

Click Grab to copy-paste the results into ResumeGrabber JobSuite grid. The grid helps you to quickly screen and shortlist the candidates.

Now, to reach your candidates, you need their email and phone numbers right?

Select the records that doesn’t have the email and phone and click Append Email and Phone.

The built-in email appending technology helps you to instantly find the missing email and phone numbers of your candidates. Now, you have a list of candidates who can be reached instantly.

You can find any number of candidates based on the keyword, skillset, education, experience, location and many such criteria. You can also append missing email and phone numbers for your candidates.

Whether you are looking for candidates for an immediate assignment or to build a candidate pipeline, ResumeGrabber JobSuite can make your job easier.

ResumeGrabber JobSuite helps you to quickly find the best passive candidates and send them to your clients before your competitor does.

How to quickly source passive candidates & improve productivity

How to quickly source passive candidates & improve productivity

How to quickly source passive candidates & improve productivity 2Passive candidates are the most desirable lot of all candidates. But sourcing passive candidates is not as easy as one might think. Passive candidates don’t actively look for jobs and therefore don’t show up on job boards. You got to dig through the Internet to find them.

But sourcing passive candidates manually is a time-consuming and tiresome task. You got to spend a lot of time on the Internet, look at various resources, open each profile, check for your requirements, copy-paste candidate contact information into your database, etc. This is where a passive candidate sourcing software such as ResumeGrabber can be handy.

ResumeGrabber helps you to source passive candidates in just a few minutes. All you need to do is just enter the keywords and click Find. ResumeGrabber instantly searches the Internet and displays passive candidate profiles. With a click of a button, ResumeGrabber extracts hundreds of passive candidate profiles along with contact information.

With ResumeGrabber, sourcing passive candidates is a breeze. It helps you source passive candidates 5x faster and improve productivity.

Download your free trial and try it yourself

Why every Recruiter should have this Passive-Candidate Recruiting Tool

Why every Recruiter should have this Passive-Candidate Recruiting Tool

Recruiters strive to source and place more candidates in the least amount of time with minimum resources. But that remains an elusive goal for the majority, because the traditional ‘reactive sourcing’ strategy doesn’t allow them to accomplish as much as they would like.

Experts suggest that in order to be successful you got to adopt the proactive sourcing strategy. It involves a lot of changes and challenges as well. You got to change the way you work, revisit your processes and create a solid recruitment plan based on the number of hires you want to make, the industry/domain/skill set, location and how hard or easy it is easy to fill.

Once you have answers for these questions, you must then devise a strategy to search candidates and build a candidate pipeline. You can manually search candidates from the Internet, social networking sites, job boards and other sources but it is a time-consuming and tiresome task. You end up losing most of your productive time searching candidates. Employing additional resources doesn’t offer much help either. This is why every recruiter should have a passive-candidate recruiting tool such as ResumeGrabber JobSuite.

ResumeGrabber JobSuite is a passive candidate recruiting tool that helps you to source and place more candidates in the least amount of time and with minimal resources. You can source and import resumes from almost any source on the Internet and you can build your candidate pipeline in no time.

ResumeGrabber JobSuite helps you to import resumes from networking sites, search engines, job boards, PC folders and Outlook Email folders as well.

What’s more, You can Find Missing Email and Phone Numbers of your Candidates and Reach them Instantly.

How to reach qualified passive candidates within hours of receiving your job order

How to reach qualified passive candidates within hours of receiving your job order

Passive candidates are the most sought after talent pool because they have the right mix of unique skill sets and relevant work experience. You can find passive candidates on Google and social networks such as LinkedIn. However, the key to recruiting success is to reach your qualified passive candidates first before your competitor does. But in reality that doesn’t happen always.

Let’s say you received a job order from one of your premium clients and you have very little time to close the job order. What would you do? You straightaway go to LinkedIn and Google to look for passive candidates. You might find them but chances are there that you may not be connected with all of those candidates and therefore you are unable to reach them.  

To get connected, you need to get introductions from your first degree connections or use expensive InMails, which not only takes a lot of time but also doesn’t guarantee you a quick and positive response. So you have got to either wait for things to happen, which you can’t afford to do due to time constraints or forced to spend countless hours on the Internet to find the email addresses and phone numbers of the candidates. This is where a passive candidate recruiting software such as ResumeGrabber JobSuite can be handy.

ResumeGrabber JobSuite is a powerful recruiting tool that helps you to

  1. Source passive candidates from social networks and search engines in a click.
  2. Append email IDs and phone numbers of candidates in a click.
  3. Instantly send bulk emails to qualified passive candidates.

ResumeGrabber JobSuite helps you to reach qualified passive candidates within hours of receiving your job order. All you need to do is:

  1. Enter the keyword to search for candidate profiles and click Find.
  2. Click Grab to extract candidate profiles along with resume contact information to the grid.
  3. Click Append Email & Phone to find missing email IDs and phone numbers of candidates.
  4. Select the candidates and instantly send bulk emails to qualified passive candidates.

What are you waiting for?

Download your Free Trial and Try it yourself

The New Rules of Data

The New Rules of Data

Remember the “good ‘ole days” of clawing and scratching for every single business card you could get your hands on and manually entering them into a spreadsheet?  We knew then the power of a business network, and the necessity of building a strong database. The good news was that there was a high probability that the information you just acquired was 100% accurate.

Big Data or Bad Data?So what about today?  We have more opportunities to “find” prospective clients and candidates than ever before, which can lead to a little data overload.  Not only that, there is a great deal of outdated contact information that lives perpetually on the Internet.  The good news is that technology has grown with us and we no longer need to feed our CRM dead or decaying information.

It seems everyone is jumping on the Big Data bandwagon and stuffing their CRM with as many data points as possible.  This is a great start, but in order to capitalize on this data you need to follow 4 simple steps.

1.    Identify the best prospecting sources

This should be a recurring activity.  You can’t rely upon LinkedIn alone if you want to be the best and rise above your competition.  Trade associations, social networks, and industry forums can be great resources.  You can find less obvious sources by performing web searches for questions your prospects might search for.  You never know where the Bing, Yahoo, or Google trail might lead you.

2.    Capture your prospect’s data

This step sounds a little simple and boring, but it is important to efficiently capture the freshest data possible.  Thankfully the old days of manually typing or copy/paste are gone.  Today we have amazing tools at our disposal.  One of the best on the market is Account Researcher.  This technological gem gives you the ability to quickly identify your target prospect’s most accurate contact information available.  This way when you upload to your CRM or ATS you can skip the authentication step in the process saving you time to begin your outreach.

3.    Authenticate your data

If you’re not capturing your data with a real time tool such as Account Researcher, this is an important step.   Having another contact in your CRM is worthless if you have inactive email addresses and phone numbers.  Many CRMs have social integrations that can help you authenticate information after it has been uploaded.

4.    Set up automated marketing steps

Since we all practice permission-based marketing, it all starts there.  Once in place, you’ll want to have a concise set of actions to convert that prospect into a warm lead. (There’s an entire article on this step that you’ll want to stay tuned for.)

Essentially every marketer, sales pro, and recruiter lives and dies by their database.  It’s no surprise that the biggest prospect funnels yield the greatest results.

Business has changed quite a lot with the advances in technology we’ve seen over the last few years.  The one thing that remains the same is the power of our business relationships. After all, 259 million LinkedIn users can’t be wrong.


Tools for starting a new Recruitment agency

Tools for starting a new Recruitment agency

If you are starting a new Recruitment agency, or you are starting a new recruitment desk / DIG, you need contacts:

  1. You need a Client list, with names of Hiring managers and Decision makers
  2. You need a Candidate talent pool, filled with the candidates you are going to place

Your Applicant Tracking System / CRM, would be setup by now, but you need these lists to fill them up. That’s where eGrabber can help.

  1. eGrabber’s Client List building solution, makes lists of Hiring managers, for export to CRM / Excel
  2. eGrabber’s Candidate List building solution, imports targeted profiles into your ATS

eGrabber Booth at MRINetwork Global event in Las Vegas OCT 2013

Hassaan Sophie and Zia Ahmed from eGrabber were recently at the Management Recruiters’ Global Expo 2013, to demonstrate these tools. They also launched a new tool for Social Prospecting, called Prospect-Grabber.

Agency Recruiters and LinkedIn

Agency Recruiters and LinkedIn

“Are Agency recruiters still relevant in this age of LinkedIn, where ever recruiter has access to almost all the talent they need?”

I have hundreds of eGrabber customers, who are Agency recruiters who find LinkedIn very relevant. These are agencies that know how to cultivate passive candidates.

If I were LinkedIn and I had a choice to focus on Corporate Recruiters or 3rd party recruiters – the answer is simple. Focus on who can pay you the most – and that would be corporate recruiters with100x or even1000x more buying capacity.

That does not mean LinkedIn is not a a great resource for savvy 3rd party recruiters who are productivity and process drvien. Only the smarter ones now will get the business. The others will join corporations back as an average recruiter/sourcer.

I don’t see many generic 3rd party recruiter franchises growing rapidly. They need to specialize in some manner & compete in a different manner.