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How to Export Sales Navigator Leads with Emails & Phone#

How to Export Sales Navigator Leads with Emails & Phone#

It is prominent that LinkedIn Sales Navigator greatly helps with outbound sales. And the search abilities and the level of targeting is simply incomparable with other platforms or database.

But the problem is, Sales Navigator does not have a native feature to export Sales Navigator leads to excel or CSV. Sales Navigator does not have the option to export account and lead-based information into a .CSV or .XLS file. As a Sales Navigator advanced user, you can only sync and update all your information regarding leads and accounts between your CRM and Sales Navigator, and not export leads from LinkedIn sales navigator.

Export Sales Navigator Leads in a Click!

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In this blog post, we will explore how to export sales navigator leads and discuss the benefits of using automation tools for LinkedIn prospecting. Read on..

export sales navigator leads

How to Export Sales Navigator Leads to Excel in 3 Quick Steps

1. Install LeadGrabber Pro

B2B prospecting is a tedious & time-consuming task. LeadGrabber Pro is a LinkedIn prospecting tool that helps you to speed up LinkedIn Prospecting and export sales navigator leads to Excel in no time.

With the help of a product setup, install the latest version of LeadGrabber Pro, proceed with the installation and the setup starts installing the latest version of LeadGrabber Pro.

After installation, the latest components of LeadGrabber Pro will be available to you.

Launch the product and start using the latest version of LeadGrabber Pro.

2. Make a LinkedIn Search using Sales Navigator

LeadGrabber Pro is an expert LinkedIn prospecting tool that helps you to build prospect lists from online directories, professional & social networking sites, and websites along with verified work email IDs and phone numbers.

The LinkedIn Prospecting Tool has a built-in browser where you can perform a LinkedIn search with all your search criteria.

With a click of a button, the software helps you to intelligently (copy-pastes) export leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator including name, title, company, and many other fields from LinkedIn, into the grid.

You can also set up the tool just once and receive targeted prospect lists every single day in your inbox. LeadGrabber Pro automatically builds lists, appends emails, skips duplicates, sends emails, and so on.

3. Export Leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Excel with Business Contact Information

LeadGrabber Pro does live research on Google and the deep web to find missing contact information such as business email addresses, phone numbers, decision-makers, etc. It also verifies the live or dead status of all email IDs by checking if the email server exists and if it accepts the email ID. You will know all the email IDs returned were verified and accurate. Your bounce rate will be incredibly low and your response rate will be one of the best you have ever experienced.

Once you have found the decision makers’ email address and phone number, you can select the records and export leads from LinkedIn sales navigator to excel in no time.

Browser Plugins vs Desktop Applications

eGrabber tools are not browser plugins but standalone applications. Here are the advantages of the eGrabber approach:

  • Our solution works with any website or Excel – It works with lists in LinkedIn AND any website, web listing, or excel – the tool just needs the name & Company.
  • Our approach gives 30% more results – We have been developing these tools for 20+ years with 4 US Patents.
  • Our approach is not susceptible to be shut down by LinkedIn like browser plugins – Our tool is independent of LinkedIn & we have been in business for around 10+ years longer than LinkedIn has been in business.
  • Our approach protects your data – Since our tool runs on your system (not our server), we have no idea what lists you build. Plugins will have complete access to your or other user’s data that they can accumulate and sell to others. LinkedIn specifically objects to this kind of practice.
  • You don’t need to build lists page by page since our tool has an AutoNext feature that automates the same.
  • Also, our tool helps you to find phone numbers whereas most of the plugins just give only the email addresses.

Here are some other reasons why automation tools can be more effective than purchasing lists.

When people tend to move from one company to another, it’s not always updated on the database. Every year, as we see, 25% of the database is getting outdated. You will never know how many of those emails in your lists are still deliverable. Whereas, LinkedIn Prospecting Tool such as LeadGrabber Pro uses LinkedIn to get the most recent information and get you the actual emails along with the verified status for each of them. With a click of a button, you can export sales navigator leads to Excel or any CRM.

Using LinkedIn prospecting tools, you can build targeted lists from LinkedIn groups that are not easy to purchase.

The response rates of your email campaigns can also be based on how targeted your lists are. LinkedIn allows you to get a much better-targeted list.

Fill in the form below to download LeadGrabber Pro now and export sales navigator leads in no time.

Top 6 Easy and Essential Ways to grow your B2B Business

Top 6 Easy and Essential Ways to grow your B2B Business

No matter what kind of business you establish of your own, increasing sales and growing your revenue is important. In order to scale your business exponentially, you will need some essential ways to grow your B2B business.

These ways are not a one-size-fits-all kind of business growth strategy but key ways that can implement to keep your business growing.

Effective small business scaling can be difficult and it may take all your time and energy. It requires a smart approach where you can use the following strategies to accelerate your business growth.

50+ Fastest Ways to Find your Ideal Customers!

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grow your b2b business

1. Build a Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is the sequence of steps that your prospects go through to become your customer. And it is a good sales funnel that helps you take your business to the next level.

By focusing on each stage of your sales funnel, you can control the impact of consumer behavior. Also by knowing each step well, you can use strategies to improve the number of people that go from one step to another.

They have successfully gone through your sales funnel when they buy your products or sign up for your service. You should keep trying and come up with ways to move more people through your sales funnel to make a sale. This can include offering a discount or getting their contact information and sending them updates on your business.

2. Participate in Networking Events

Increasing your brand visibility can help you attract new customers and grow your B2B business. A good way to do this is by attending networking events. Check local professional organizations and attend a few events to get others to know about your business. You can participate in these events by:

  • Attending and meeting other business owners
  • Putting up a booth to promote your business
  • Speaking as an industry expert

Also LinkedIn the largest professional networking site has LinkedIn events feature which is also a channel of free B2B leads.

You can find the right LinkedIn events and easily get in touch with the event attendees.

3. Launch an Email Campaign

Using an email campaign can help make sure your business stays on top of customers’ minds. It’s also a great way to move existing and potential customers through your sales funnel.

Here are some of the important steps involved to run a successful email marketing campaign:

  • Build a targeted email list
  • Set email marketing goals
  • Know the email types
  • Identify your audience
  • Use automation technology
  • Plan email followups
  • Focus on the email subject line, copy & design
  • Test & track

4. Use a CRM

CRM systems help your business manage relationships with existing and potential customers. You can maintain customer information and identify sales opportunities. It helps you store all your data in one place, so anyone who needs it can access it.

CRM is also a gold mine of new sales leads. As it has a list of all your current and past prospects and customers, it gives clear insights about the users, people who have not purchased, loyal customers, and much more.

But these data in your CRM may become obsolete as people tend to change jobs every 3-4 years, and C-level decision-makers change jobs even more frequently. Research says that this way nearly 25% of the data in your CRM becomes unusable every year.

A smart way out is to leverage your CRM leads and close better deals. Using a service called Job-Change Finder you can scan the list of your CRM contacts and flags people who have moved to new companies, got promoted, and find their new companies and their current business email address and phone numbers. This way you can find new leads in no time.

All you have to do is, upload your CRM contact list. Job-Change Finder will find new leads from your CRM along with new business contact information and company demographics.

It can be great for you to find new leads, sell more, and increase sales much faster than before.

5. Engage with Customers on Social Media

Having a better social media engagement means, your customers can have a stronger relationship with your brand. This can provide you with more opportunities to build brand loyalty, increase word-of-mouth referrals, and hence increase sales.

Staying active on social media pages can help your customers reach out to your business with a question/queries or to share feedback, pain points, or complaints. Taking the time to respond and engage with them shows you the value of their thoughts and might help you take their concerns seriously.

6. Extend to New Markets

Expanding your business through global platforms. Find opportunities to market your products and services across the globe. The benefits of expanding to a new market include:

  • Leveraging global platforms to sell your products and services online
  • The opportunity to open new business locations
  • Access to more customers and businesses

Take your business to a global level and give your company an opportunity to increase its market share.

Wrap-up to Grow your B2B Business

There are many other B2B marketing methods to grow your B2B business, but picking and implementing the right one will help you grow and increase revenue. The above-listed methods are some of the key ways you need to be stay informed about and take advantage of.

5 Key Elements of a Successful Cold Email Campaign Strategy

5 Key Elements of a Successful Cold Email Campaign Strategy

Are you using cold email marketing as the main way of communication with your prospects? Then you will definitely need a successful cold email campaign strategy. A cold email campaign strategy will not only make your prospects read your emails but also reply to your emails as a part of your campaign.

The interest in cold email marketing is growing over time and there are many reasons why companies choose cold email campaign strategy to achieve their goals.

Some businesses use cold email outreach as part of their strategy as this type of strategy works great for relationship building.

Build Targeted Prospect Email Lists in no Time!

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Building a Successful Cold Email Campaign Strategy

Writing a cold email that is successful is more like a science. It involves elements like choosing the right prospects, crafting a catchy cold email subject line, and including a clear call to action to find success with cold email campaigns, which isn’t easy as it sounds.

Even if you know several tips and tactics on how to do cold emailing. It narrows down to your intuition and good practical knowledge.

Let’s dive in and have a look at the key elements.

First things first. Know your target audience better.

cold email campaign strategy

#1 Choose your Prospects and Find the Right Contact Information

The obvious element of a successful cold email campaign strategy is choosing your target prospects. This does not always mean defining their characteristics. In order to choose your target prospects, you should really know your audience.

Wondering why this is important? An email outreach study by Backlinko on 12 million outreach emails found that only 8.5% of them receive a response.

Often a huge percentage of cold emails get ignored. And that is why it is essential for you to understand and choose your target prospects. Try and connect, interact with your audience on social media before sending a cold email.

You should thank B2B prospect list-building tool like LeadGrabber Pro that not only finds the verified business email address and phone but also finds the LinkedIn profile and much more information about your contacts in your prospect list.

It greatly comply with the basic rules of email list building:

  1. It is GDPR compliant and does not scrape personal email addresses. It performs live research on the internet to find verified business contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers.
  2. It finds the target prospect’s email addresses from trustful sources such as online directories, professional & social networking sites such as LinkedIn, etc.
  3. It automatically exports your email list to excel in a CSV file to help you easily integrate your lists with marketing automation software.

#2 Craft a Catchy Cold Email Subject Line

A good cold email subject line creates a good first impression on your company to your prospects. A personalized subject line can increase the response rates by 30% and a quick question in the subject line can get 50% more open rates.

Even if your email message is compelling but your email subject line feels irrelevant or does not grab the attention of the receiver then there is a high probability that you will not get opened by the receiver.

Craft a powerful email subject line that is concise, appealing, and descriptive along with the personalization to attract users to open your email.

#3 Personalize Email Marketing Techniques

62% of the marketers believe that personalization is the most effective technique and 58% of their revenue seems to be generated from segmented and personalized emails.

In email marketing campaigns, personalization is a crucial factor. A personalized email message and subject line will boost your cold email response rates by 20% when compared to emails with no personalization at all.

Including just your prospect’s first name in the subject line and an email message will not count as personalization as effective cold emails should make your prospects feel that you are reaching out as you know what exactly their need is.

Personalize emails around buyer persona, trigger events, compliments on job or position change, interests and, technologies used.

Note: Email personalizations vary according to different email types.

When it comes to sales emails your default templates won’t work. A personalized sales email will help you receive more positive responses. Improve open rates, get higher CTR, and better customer satisfaction by using personalized sales emails to close more deals.

#4 Follow-up with Prospects

Most B2B marketers miss out on the best part of email marketing, doing a follow-up on their sales pipeline emails. In fact, follow-up sequences for the same audience lead to 2x more responses according to the backlinko’s outreach study.

Increase the chances of getting a reply follow-up sales email sequences. Also, keep an eye on the number of follow-up emails to include in your sales funnel and the delay between your initial and follow-up emails.

#5 Create a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Adding a strong call to action in your email paves the way to your cold lead. Some of the cold email call to action examples are demo, calendar link, date and time request, questions, yes/no confirmation, etc…

The key elements that play a major role in your email success rates are email subject line, intro, and CTA. CTAs should be easily understandable and make your prospects respond to your email. Having just one clear and strong CTA increases click-through rates by 42% than the ones with more CTAs.


Getting started with cold email and achieving successful cold email results may appear challenging to you. With the above cold email campaign strategy, you must be able to launch successful cold email campaigns and grow your audience, enhancing relationship building effectively.

To start with choosing the right prospects and build a B2B prospect list with accurate contact information for your cold outreach campaign download LeadGrabber Pro.

Get a 7-day free trial now!

How to overcome the biggest lead generation Challenges in B2B

How to overcome the biggest lead generation Challenges in B2B

One of the biggest challenges faced by 58% of marketers in the B2B niche is lead generation. And with the constantly increasing competition, the percentage of marketers facing this pain point is unlikely to decrease in the near future.

A major percentage of businesses are relying on lead generation for generating quality leads, implementing consistent lead generation activities, getting the attention of decision-makers, tracking, measuring and so much more.

The top lead generation challenge over the years seemed to be finding a way to get the attention of potential leads.

To overcome your lead generation challenges, you will have to emulate these 3 things acquire clients effectively & fill your sales pipeline.

Avoid using Lead Database

A bad input such as using a lead database can lead to bad output in online lead generation. With a lead generation database, you cannot have accurate or deep insights about your potential clients.

It is important to thoroughly review your needs such as the types of software solutions your business requires.

The data you use should be validated and verified data to gain accurate insights and achieve effective communication with prospects.

Build a List of Targeted Companies

Start by identifying specific target accounts that would more likely become your ideal prospects. Starting off with building a targeted companies list will help you save time and have a smoother lead generation process.

It does not help you overcome the biggest challenge of grabbing the attention of decision-makers but also has other lead generation benefits such as Identifying high-quality prospects, simplifying the sales process building a better relationship with customers and, increasing ROI.

Using a buyer persona to focus and identify high-quality accounts will give deeper insights into your prospects. With a personalized email campaign, you will be able to witness higher engagement rates than usual. A well-personalized approach highly influences your potential prospect’s buying decision.

Find and Reach Decision-Makers Smartly

LeadGrabber Management-Finder Pro is an Account-Based Lead Generation Software designed exclusively for B2B businesses to Identify Key Decision Makers Contacts, at Specific Companies, within a Specific Market.

It enables sales, marketing, and lead generation teams to build targeted account lists and quickly find the decision-makers (CEOs, CTOs, CFOs, CIOs, CXOs, VP-level, Director-level, Founders,.).

The software also helps you to build verified C-Level executive’s email lists along with phone numbers, so that you can engage them with personalized marketing campaigns. You can build CXOs lists for your targeted accounts twenty times (20x) faster than marketing and lead generation teams can build manually. You can use a list of companies from an excel file or in your CRM. You can import the companies list into LeadGrabber MF Pro or build a fresh one using the tool.

Do deep research in order to understand the decision-makers you have targeted. Follow them on social media and learn about their current pain points, business concern, and their priorities.

Deep research will help you curate personalized messages to C-Level decision-makers gaining their trust. Do not be generic with your content and avoid sending automated messages. Being more relevant and personalizing messages will create the right impression that you are aware of their current priorities and needs thereby helping you overcome your biggest lead generation challenge.

Download Management-Finder Pro Now!

Find Decision-Makers for Lists of Companies in Your Excel or CRM

Find Decision-Makers for Lists of Companies in Your Excel or CRM

Do you have lead lists that are missing decision-maker contacts?

Now find C-level/VP/Director leads quickly along with verified contact information using Management Finder. All you need is a list of companies or websites.

If you purchased lead lists in the past, chances are the company list is still valid, but 40% of management & decision-makers might have changed. Using Management Finder you can update your past lists with the latest management & decision-makers.

If you see a great list of companies as exhibitor lists, company directory, or other – you can also convert them into Leads with management, email & phone with Management Finder.

Download Management Finder Now!

Automate 50+ B2B List-Building Workflows with LeadGrabber Pro

Automate 50+ B2B List-Building Workflows with LeadGrabber Pro

LeadGrabber Pro is an automation tool that has ways to automate 50+ B2B list-building workflows. Maybe one of them will be a perfect fit for you.

50+ Fastest Ways to Build B2B Prospect Lists from the Internet

Try for Free!

At eGrabber, we have been developing lead list workflow tools since 1996 – longer than any other company.

Our pricing is such that customers can recover full ROI within weeks of using the tool. It is all about lead quality and high conversion rates. You can build a list overnight, so you get fresh B2B prospect lists daily/weekly.

Our customers have been startups, outsourcing, staffing, training, VC, financing, logistics, lethal, healthcare, legal, nonprofits, etc. Out tools are centered around finding ideal decision-makers, names, verified email, phone, LinkedIn, and other fields. Our tools are used in conjunction with LinkedIn, job boards, business directories, Yellow pages, google maps, tradeshows, websites, ….

If you want to automate list-building workflows, fill in the form and get an expert in your domain to talk to you.

Grow Sales Faster in 2022 with LinkedIn Filters

Grow Sales Faster in 2022 with LinkedIn Filters

Did you know adding a LinkedIn filter can help your team be 20x more likely to close a sale and they will be more energized to sell?

0.5% success list
If your lead list is only based on title/size/industry, your chance of selling is less than 0.5%; (statistically, 950+ out of 1,000 people won’t have a need for what you sell)

10% success list
If you qualify your list with an additional filter or keyword, instead of getting 1,000 people you might get only 100 people – but the chances someone can buy goes up to 10% – 20%

When a salesperson knows the list has a 10%+ success rate, the salesperson is likely to spend 10x more energy working the list. They will try to reach them thru multiple channels, multiple times a week. Increasing the chance of success.

If a salesperson feels there is less than a 0.5% chance of getting a sale from their list. They feel it is not worth working the list. They will try less, leading to sales no different to last year

Use LinkedIn as a starting point for your list building. You will be able to build more qualified lists than ZoomInfo or other list vendors.

The LinkedIn advantage over ZoomInfo
Zoominfo may be a great (expensive) source to get good contact info if you are targeting based on Demographics. But your hit rate of reaching a person who will need your product is very low, especially if you are targeting <500 Employee companies

LinkedIn enables you to find people that can be 50x or 100x more likely to convert than a ZoomInfo list. You can find the exact set of targets you need based on keywords, technology interests, prior experience in addition to all the filters ZoomInfo offers

If you want to grow sales faster in 2022, we recommend you start with shortlisting leads on LinkedIn, Job Board, or other keyword-enabled databases. You can then use tools like ZoomInfo to get contact information. If you don’t have huge budgets to get ZoomInfo to get contact info, we recommend tools like LeadGrabber from eGrabber

If you want to know how you can build leads that are 20x to 100x more targeted from LinkedIn and Job Boards.

Read more on Why LeadGrabber Pro is the Best Zoominfo Alternative