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Generate New Sales Opportunities using Account-Based Lead Generation

Generate New Sales Opportunities using Account-Based Lead Generation

The process of Lead generation or prospecting can be overwhelming. But by identifying specific target accounts, who would become your ideal prospects, you’ll use your time wisely and efficiently, bringing order to your lead generation process.

If you have a list of target accounts in place, you can go online to identify key decision-makers, do live research and find other information about the prospects. The internet makes it easy to find detailed information about your potential prospects.

Let’s discover the benefits of creating a targeted list of accounts, along with tips on how to get started.

Benefits of Account Based Lead Generation

Account-based marketing is a strategic approach to identify highly-targeted accounts, do personalized marketing, and drive business growth. In simpler terms, identify the actual prospects you want to do business with and then market to them directly, in a precise way.

The Top 5 Benefits of Using Account Based Marketing

  • A thorough knowledge of the customer lets you create a personalized marketing approach
  • This strategy helps build a better relationship with customers thereby increasing revenue
  • Identify High-value prospects
  • Simplified Sales Process
  • Huge ROI

Start by Finding the Right Accounts

Use your ICP(Ideal Customer Profile) data to focus and identify high-value accounts. Identify your targets’ likes and dislikes, challenges, and opportunities to find the right accounts. Then target customers individually, via your marketing channels with content, targeted digital and product demos

This way you can engage and influence them to make a decision as to why they should buy from your organization.

Import List of Companies

LeadGrabber Management-Finder Pro is an Account-Based Lead Generation Software designed exclusively for B2B businesses to Identify Key Decision Makers Contacts, at Specific Companies, within a Specific Market.

It enables sales, marketing, and lead generation teams to build targeted account lists and quickly find who the decision-maker is (CEOs, CTOs, CFOs, CIOs, CXOs, VP-level, Director-level, Founders,.). The software also helps you to build verified C-Level executive’s email lists along with phone numbers, so that you can engage them with personalized marketing campaigns.

LeadGrabber Management-Finder Pro enables you to build CXOs lists for targeted accounts twenty times (20x) faster than marketing and lead generation teams can build manually.

If you have a list of companies in an Excel file or in the CRM, import them into LeadGrabber MF Pro. If you don’t have a list, you can still be able to build one using this tool.

LeadGrabber MF Pro enables you to build company lists from different websites such as

  • Job Boards (Monster, Career Builder, Indeed)
  • VC Funding Platforms (Angel List, Tech Crunch)
  • Social Networking sites.

Identify Key Decision Makers Contacts from Specific Companies

Give C-Level executive search such as Title (CEOs, CTOs, CFOs, CIOs, CXOs, VP-level, Director-level, Founders,.. ), Specialties and Experience to LeadGrabber MF Pro and it automatically starts finding the relevant management contacts. The software also helps you to build C-level executive’s email lists along with phone numbers in those targeted companies by leveraging various sources such as Company Pages, Press Releases, Social Media Networks, etc.

This software finds this data using real-time searches on the Internet.

The tool finds verified corporate email IDs of all prospects to ensure that the emails are spam safe. It enables cold emailers to avoid being blocked by ISPs & labeled as spammers.

LeadGrabber Management Finder Pro builds a list for companies that are

  • Recently funded
  • Recently promoted / Hired Executives
  • Hiring a specific skill / technology
  • Growing in size
  • Jon boards
  • Trade show lists and
  • Companies Imported from excel sheets

Download Free Trial And Get 150 Contacts Free!

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers

LinkedIn users follow companies they are interested, to stay informed about their latest news, products, services, and job openings. This blog post will help you to learn why you must reach out to your LinkedIn company followers, how to locate your company’s followers in LinkedIn Sales Navigator and how you can export LinkedIn company page followers in no time.

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers 2

Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers & Get Potential Leads!

1. Why You Must Reach out to Your Company’s LinkedIn Followers

Well, if you are looking for an answer for this question, then the following statistics speak for itself.

  • LinkedIn has more than 950 million members, whereas Instagram currently has 2 billion active users, and Facebook has 2.98 billion. LinkedIn is not the largest of social media networks but has a specific business focus and audience worth noticing.
  • Companies with an active LinkedIn page see 5x more page views, showing the value of keeping your LinkedIn page up-to-date and active.
  • LinkedIn serves as the preferred social media platform for B2B marketers and their clients globally. A staggering 76 million US adults are expected to utilize LinkedIn this year, accounting for a significant 22.3% of the overall population, as per our forecast – source eMarketer.

Following LinkedIn pages let you see other LinkedIn members’ posts and articles that they share without being connected with them. This way, the sharing is only moving in one direction, as opposed to the mutual following that a connection brings. Of course, someone could view your page and see some of this information, but they won’t receive any alerts or exclusive updates about your product/services.

If you see your LinkedIn company followers to be an excellent prospect for you, the fact that they have decided to follow you is a good sign and could be a great starting point for you to contact them.

Here are some of the other reasons why you should reach out to your LinkedIn company page followers:

  • Connect with your community in real-time
  • Drive specific actions using a personalized call-to-action in your email
  • Discover the likes and interests of your target audience
  • Engage with your current connections via email to increase engagement and exposure even more 
  • Notify connections of your most important page posts and boost organic reach

2. Your LinkedIn Company Page Followers make Great Sales Prospects

  1. 25% of the LinkedIn company followers tend to be from potential buyer companies
  2. They are on a buyer’s journey watching posts from your company and your competitors’ companies
  3. LinkedIn company page followers can be decision-makers (45%) or researchers evaluating your tool/services
  4. LinkedIn company followers tend to be 5x more ready to buy your product than those that just match your ICP (Ideal customer profile)
How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers 2

Find Potential Buyers from your LinkedIn Page Followers

Why you should Export LinkedIn Followers: Discover the Advantages

Here are some of the other greatest advantages that you get when you export LinkedIn followers:

  • Get Audience Insights: When you export LinkedIn followers, you gain valuable insights about your LinkedIn company followers, get to know the trends and their preferences, know their industry, job titles and so on. This information can be used to create more targeted content and marketing strategies.
  • Competitive Analysis: Another benefit of exporting LinkedIn company page followers is that you can use the data for competitive analysis. By comparing your follower demographics and interests to those of your competitors, you can identify areas where you are falling behind or areas where they have a competitive advantage.
  • Identify Partnership Opportunities: When you export LinkedIn page followers, you can get data that helps you to identify individuals or companies that may be interested in collaboration opportunities. By reaching out to these followers, you can potentially form valuable partnerships and expand their network.
  • Talent Acquisition: Exporting LinkedIn company followers can help you to get the followers data and identify followers with relevant job titles and experience. You can potentially recruit them for open positions.
  • Increase Brand awareness: When you export followers from LinkedIn, it helps you to get an understanding about who is following the company page and what type of content they are interested in. This can give you insights on creating relevant and more engaging content that can attract more followers and increase brand visibility on LinkedIn.

3. How to View Followers on LinkedIn Company Page?

Let’s see how to find members who have chosen to follow your current company in Sales Navigator. This helps you to identify LinkedIn members who may be open to receiving messages about your product/services, as they have already expressed interest in your company. When you reach out, remember that your goal is to represent your company’s brand and guide the members in the buying process.

All Filters

On the Sales Navigator home page, click on All filters.

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers 4

You will see a set of filters, in which you will have to select the profile language filter and choose English.

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers 5


You will get a huge number of search results. In the search results, you will see a spotlights filter near the bottom of the keywords box. Choose Leads that follow your company on LinkedIn option.

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers 6

Search Results

You will finally get to see the members who follow your current company on LinkedIn.

export linkedin company page followers

Now, you have a list of followers of your LinkedIn Company page. The next thing is to figure out how to export followers from LinkedIn company page. There are multiple ways such as emails, calls, social media messages, and LinkedIn InMails to reach out to them. But always pick an effective method that captures the attention of your targeted prospects.

How to Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers 2

Find LinkedIn Company Page Follower’s Verified Email & Phone

Always have an outbound sequence strategy in place for effective conversions and scheduling meetings such as email campaigns. Emails still rule the B2B marketing communication. It is also the easiest and the most effective way to communicate with professionals.

Here are some of the benefits of considering email marketing:

  • You can create a tailored sequence of emails and don’t have to just stop with a single email
  • Create multi-touchpoints to get responses
  • High email sending limits
  • High open rates
  • Zero investment
  • Email tracking, auto scheduling and drip campaigns are possible
  • Marketing automation
  • Data driven actions that enhance your results

Above all, other mediums such as LinkedIn Inmails will reach your prospect’s personal email address. There are chances that your message might reach the spam folder and your prospect might not get to open your email at all or ignore thinking it’s not of much importance, just because they receive it in their personal inbox.

Therefore it is essential that you always reach out to your prospects at their business email address to get their attention and to make them realize the importance of your email message.

You have your LinkedIn company page followers list. If you want to leverage your LinkedIn company page followers, you need to export followers from LinkedIn company page to Excel and find their business email address & phone to reach out to them. Doing it manually is a time-consuming and tiresome task. This is where a LinkedIn prospecting tool such as LeadGrabber Pro comes handy.

4. Export LinkedIn Company Page Followers in a Click

LeadGrabber Pro is a powerful LinkedIn prospecting tool that helps you to export LinkedIn company page followers to Excel and build a list with verified business contact information in no time. The LinkedIn prospecting tool also enables you to build B2B prospect lists from other social and professional networking sites.

You can find verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your LinkedIn company page followers.

The LinkedIn prospecting tool performs deep-web searches and finds verified business email addresses and phone numbers of your company followers on LinkedIn.

Once the B2B company list is ready, you can transfer the list to, PCRecruiter, Act!, and your Excel spreadsheet in a single click. Our service can also get contact details of prospects your competitor attracted and nurtured.

LeadGrabber helps you to easily and effortlessly build B2B prospect lists with contact information. It helps you to save a lot of your time and focus more on reaching your prospects.

Want to export followers from LinkedIn company page?

Download Free Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts FREE!

How SDRs can Quickly Build Targeted B2B Prospect Lists on their own

How SDRs can Quickly Build Targeted B2B Prospect Lists on their own

Most of the sales reps who do prospecting want to do it just quicker. If the process seems to be a little longer, they often give up and would rather prefer buying B2B lead lists. But often unaware of the fact that they are actually choosing the hard way to end up wasting their time and most of their money on buying lists that don’t work.

Buying B2B prospect lists might be easy. But sales prospecting and email marketing always require choosing B2B prospect lists with relevant information that can be used for high levels of personalization.

Purchased lists do not provide either of these. Using a readily available list of leads is like sending just a write-up without any personalization. They are outdated by the time of purchase and hardly provide any enriched information or value.

Build High-Converting B2B Prospect Lists 20x Faster & Close More Sales

Try for Free!

B2B prospect list
Photo by Mauro Gigli on Unsplash

Here’s why you should build your own B2B prospect lists.

It helps you to get:

  • High-quality leads
  • Accurate information
  • Unique and targeted business leads
  • Decrease spam rate

These leads that are built on your own will meet your lead qualifications. They are more likely to buy your products/services. There are more benefits of building your own B2B prospect list.

With our experience of working with a lot of B2B companies, we can say that building a B2B prospect list can yield a higher conversion rate, lower CPA, and a shorter sales process.

And fortunately, there are ways you can generate high-quality targeted business leads, with current and accurate details, within your budget. Let’s check them out. 

How to Build B2B Prospect lists using LinkedIn

There are more ways to build a B2B prospects list than just using the basic lead search filters. Some of the best ways are:

1. LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups are a gold mine of B2B prospects.

If you are already a part of LinkedIn groups that you want to target. you’ve already got all the power to see the whole list of your co-group members!

Even if you are not a part of any LinkedIn group that you want to target, you still have access to the LinkedIn group members!

LinkedIn Sales Navigator has an advanced lead search option that lets you to make a search using the groups search filter. This helps you to see all the LinkedIn group members even if you are not a part of it.

Now that you have access to the group members, the next step would be to reach out to them right?

It is a known fact that a lot of prospects use LinkedIn groups for the messaging feature, which is a key advantage of LinkedIn groups. You can manually send out a message to each of the fellow members of the group. Build a relationship initially and take up your conversation from there.

But that is going to take a lot of manual human effort which is a really slow and tedious process that might take days or even months together to reach out to all of the LinkedIn group members. A manual process lets you reach out only to a few customers a day, meaning less business.

If there is an automated list building software such as LeadGrabber Pro, it lets you start prospecting immediately. You will be able to quickly build targeted lead lists resulting in more business. The list building software not only copy-pastes the information of your prospects to a spreadsheet but also finds the missing work email addresses and phone# of your ideal prospects and verifies the same. Use the other search filters such as,

  • Geography
  • Title
  • Seniority level
  • Function &
  • Company head count

to fine tune your prospect search

If you are wondering how to build a lead list, then targeting LinkedIn groups finely can help you build super-targeted lead lists and double your prospecting efforts.

2. Use LinkedIn Likes to Generate New Sales Leads

LinkedIn posts are one of the best ways to generate leads on LinkedIn. You can leverage it to attract & engage your prospects, and drive sales.  

“LinkedIn LIKES” marketing is one successful lead generation method that I used to generate new sales leads. It helped me to personalize emails effectively, generate targeted business leads and get great results.  

What is ‘LinkedIn LIKES’ Marketing?

LinkedIn is the only professional network that gives precise data about user interests and activities. ‘LinkedIn LIKES’ marketing helps you to find your prospect’s interests and also find prospects with similar interests. If used effectively, it can become a powerful lead generation tool especially for people who use LinkedIn for sales prospecting

Leverage LinkedIn Likes for B2B Lead Generation:

Engage with your Social Media Audience
This helps you to convert your LinkedIn Likes into new targeted sales leads. You can target selected audience and engage with them.

Target your Prospects where they Flock Together
Follow experts and relevant hash tags that your prospects would be interested in. This helps you to target your prospects more accurately as they are found at one place based on their interests.

Here’s how LeadGrabber Pro can help you build your email list using LinkedIn Likes.

3. LinkedIn Events

LinkedIn has a channel of Free B2B leads. LinkedIn shows attendees of all Events (& webinars) your prospects are attending!

To get attendee list using LinkedIn Events, you just have to know how to search for the right events on LinkedIn and get the attendee leads.

Export LinkedIn Event attendees in no time using LeadGrabber Pro and get all the attendee leads for any event you search. Reach out to them before your competitors & increase your sales opportunities. learn more about the steps to get attendee list using LinkedIn events.

4. Find Coworkers Email Address

Building prospect lists the ordinary way fetches you just your target prospect’s email address. SDRs should start building lists with their prospects’ coworker emails along with their prospects email addresses. Using coworker emails, sales development reps can reach multiple contacts in the same company, increase engagement rates and increase the chances of sales conversions by 5x. LeadGrabber Pro provides hundreds of coworker emails & company emails for free. Here’s how to leverage coworkers’ emails and increase sales opportunities.

5. Find New Prospects Invisible to List Buyers

Using live social media search filters like LinkedIn, can enable you to find recently promoted & hired decision-makers, not available through list builders whose list are 6+ months old. LeadGrabber Pro is the best sales prospecting software that helps sales development reps quickly build B2B prospect lists and acquire new clients. It helps you to quickly build fresh B2B prospect lists from the websites, professional & social networking sites and online directories, etc. in no time.

With a click of a button, LeadGrabber Pro copy-pastes the search results into the grid. You don’t have to manually copy-paste anything. The software intelligently gets you the name, title, company, business email, phone, web URL, etc. in a spreadsheet format.

What’s more? LeadGrabber Pro also appends business email addresses of your B2B contacts. Select the records that don’t have business email & phone and click on Append Email & Phone. The built-in patented email appending technology helps you to instantly append business email addresses and phone numbers of your contacts. LeadGrabber automatically verifies the business email addresses.

You can build your B2B prospect lists in no time!

With a click of a button, you can transfer your business contact lists to Excel, SalesforceAct!, Outlook, etc.

Benefits of Building B2B Prospect Lists with LeadGrabber Pro

LeadGrabber Pro helps to:

  • Build your own B2B prospect lists easily & effortlessly
  • Build B2B prospect lists for niche markets
  • Build your own trustworthy B2B Contact Database
  • Build an accurate B2B Prospect list & make more sales conversions
  • Save a lot of time & money

With LeadGrabber Pro, B2B prospect list building is a breeze. You can build your business contact list in no time and jump-start your email marketing campaigns, book more qualified sales demos and appointments. Setting sales appointments and demos is no more a hassle with LeadGrabber Pro. The sales prospecting tool helps SDRs to find hard-to-find qualified sales prospects (the right prospects with the authority to buy), reach them with a compelling message and set sales appointments with ease. It enables SDRs to book 3x more qualified sales demos & appointments. 

Download your FREE Trial Today, Get 150 Contacts Free!

A Quick Way for Service Providers to Reach Top Amazon Sellers

A Quick Way for Service Providers to Reach Top Amazon Sellers

There are nearly 9.5 million amazon sellers globally, among which 75% of Amazon sellers use FBA to sell. With the increased competition, amazon sellers are seeking the expertise of qualified service providers who can help them start, grow and boost sales.

This has in turn led to a rise in the number of amazon seller solution providers like you to support and increase the annual revenue of amazon sellers.

While you assist amazon sellers to speed up their global selling and help them with everything they need to be successful in the business. Let us help you with looking for amazon sellers, categorize and make it easier to reach them.

Steps to find top amazon sellers in the USA

Following are the several steps involved in building a targeted Amazon Seller Contact list

Step 1: Shortlist

Amazon sellers information and categories: There are 2.5 million+ across 180+ countries, selling 12 Million+ products, in 36 major product categories. You will have to do a data crunch and the top amazon sellers.

Step 2: Find Company and Website

Amazon seller company and website with seller name: 90% of the products on amazon have only the names of the product brands. You will have to carry out deep research to find the actual seller’s name and website.

Step 3: Find LinkedIn IDs

Find amazon seller’s company information such as Company Size, Address, Number of Employees, and other social details. 

Step 4: Find Decision-makers

Decision-makers from companies: Scan the company websites and LinkedIn for CEOs and other executive decision-makers of Amazon sellers. Find out Decision Maker Name, Job Title, LinkedIn Profile URL, Region and, Timezone

Step 5: Find Contact Information

Contact information of the decision-makers: Find out the email addresses and phone numbers along with LinkedIn IDs. So you will end up having 3 channels for your outreach.

Step 6: Verify contact information

Verify Amazon Seller email addresses for their deliverability and pass only the graduated ones to the final Amazon seller list.

Reach Top amazon sellers more easily

eGrabber has researched and built an Amazon Sellers Directory that can help you reach the Amazon Sellers in the USA. The list has 200,000+ active Amazon Sellers with direct email & phone and a Research report that can help jumpstart your sales. eGrabber has been building top-notch, automated internet research tools which use expert-systems logic and deep learning algorithms.

eGrabber filters Amazon Sellers by Category, Ratings, Brands, FBA, or in any way you want. You can order the Amazon Sellers list + Research that eGrabber already has. Get a free sample!

If you provide the Amazon Seller Names, or, Seller IDs, eGrabber can do Custom Research and deliver the custom list to you. eGrabber offers Amazon Seller List Building Services to build an amazon seller’s lead lists unique to your requirements. Based on your ideal prospect criteria, we build lists of owners, decision-makers, their direct contact info, social footprints, and more.

eGrabber’s Custom Amazon Seller List Building Service includes:

  • Amazon seller contact lists
  • Amazon sellers list for certain brands
  • Amazon sellers contact list for categories
  • Amazon sellers lead list from an amazon search result
  • Amazon seller lists based on your unique criteria
  • Original brand owners – sold by other sellers

 Request a Demo to get a unique amazon seller lead list!

How to Target High Converting Leads using LinkedIn Groups?

How to Target High Converting Leads using LinkedIn Groups?

LinkedIn groups are a gold mine to B2B marketers as it provides them instant access to thousands of high converting leads. Whereas targeting prospects using a random keyword search might not help you fetch high converting leads. For example: If you search for prospects using a particular keyword, your search results will be more generic and will consist of prospects only from a specific industry. Moreover, a random keyword search might not help you generate new sales leads consistently.

If you want to target high converting leads and generate new sales leads consistently, then LinkedIn groups are the best option. Here’s why LinkedIn groups can be of great help to companies for LinkedIn B2B lead generation. LinkedIn Groups help you to Find your Target Audience that matches your Ideal Customer Profile. LinkedIn groups enable you to target prospects that aren’t your connections. You can find hundreds and thousands of like-minded professionals, all in one group.

LinkedIn groups also enable you to engage with your audience effectively. There are millions of LinkedIn groups. This shows the vast potential that businesses can leverage to generate B2B sales leads using LinkedIn groups.

The key advantage of using LinkedIn Groups to generate leads are:

  1. The group members are looking for interaction & networking
  2. All the group members are already interested in a particular topic
  3. The group members are present in the group to find new prospects for their business
  4. You already have something in common with the group members, which gives a good reason to engage with them

It takes good research to find a relevant group, but once you find them, the right group will yield a continuous stream of new and high converting leads. Targeting LinkedIn group members also narrows down your search results and gets you more high converting leads who have a higher chance of buying.

LeadGrabber Pro is a smart LinkedIn prospecting tool that enables you to find your ideal prospects and build targeted prospect lists from LinkedIn Groups. The LinkedIn prospecting software also appends verified work email IDs and phone numbers of your prospects, helping you reach them in no time.

The LinkedIn prospecting tool enables you to find decision-makers & C-level executives. Prospecting on LinkedIn Groups becomes easy with LeadGrabber Pro as It helps you to speed up the prospecting, generate targeted sales leads, and make more sales conversions.

If you are someone looking to build email lists from LinkedIn groups, fill in the form below.

How to Find Decision-Maker Targets Quickly with a List of Companies

How to Find Decision-Maker Targets Quickly with a List of Companies

LinkedIn is one of the best platforms to find decision-makers in your targeted companies. But connecting and reaching decision-makers is not a cakewalk. Some of the challenges include: (a) Decision-makers do not accept all connection requests unless they know you or it is relevant to them or their business. (b) decision-makers use their personal email address to sign up for LinkedIn. Even, if you are connected to an executive, you will get only her personal email address. (c ) In certain industries, decision-makers, though they are on LinkedIn, they are not active on LinkedIn.

Fastest Way to Find & Reach Decision Makers in Target Companies

Try for Free!

Decision-makers respond instantly to their business emails than personal emails. There are millions of decision-makers on LinkedIn and as a business development professional, if you want to leverage this opportunity, you should reach decision-makers the right way, at the right time, and with the right message.

Let’s discover, the importance of targeting decision-maker contacts from target companies.

C-Level decision-makers from B2B companies greatly influence the buying decision. If you are selling products or services to B2B companies then, it is important to influence decision-makers which is the key to sales strategy. Connecting with the decision-makers from B2B companies shortens the sales cycle and helps earn a quick profit, which is being the goal of every salesperson. C-Levels are the final decision-makers and it is important to plan, execute and master strategies that involve selling to the decision-makers. 

Do you need any of these?

  1. Do you have a list of companies and you want to find target prospects inside them?
  2. Do you have a list of web downloads which has user information, but you want decision maker names instead?
  3. Are you building a list of companies which are growing and want the decision makers inside?

If your answer is YES, then LeadGrabber Pro is the best B2B prospecting tool that helps you to find and reach B2B decision-makers in no time. The software enables you to quickly find decision-makers’ names for the list of companies. It also finds you verified business email addresses of the decision-makers. You don’t have to spend countless hours on the Internet to find decision-makers. You also don’t need to tackle those gatekeepers anymore. You can reach the decision makers’ inbox directly.

All you need to do is, Import a list of companies you have.

  • The software automatically gets you the target decision-makers for the companies
  • You can feed thousands of companies and the software shows the decision maker contacts
  • You can also perform a account based search, find companies and arrive at the decision makers from those companies.
  • You can find decision makers based on industry, geography, company size, function and so on

Fill in the form below and download LeadGrabber Pro to find & reach Decision makers in your target companies the fastest way!

How to Reach Top Ranked Amazon Sellers in the USA

How to Reach Top Ranked Amazon Sellers in the USA

A large percentage of shoppers choose to shop online, and they are turning to Amazon for everything – from buying gifts to everyday groceries. With the increasing demand for online stores, the number of Amazon sellers has gone up.

There are over 2.5 million active amazon sellers accounts, who sell their products on the marketplace. Among which approximately 25,000 Amazon sellers make over $1 million worth of sales.

The growth of active amazon sellers has given birth to many professional service providers who help amazon sellers to be successful sellers on the Amazon marketplace. These professional service providers are constantly looking to reach out to the top-ranked Amazon sellers in the USA to increase their revenue. Here’s how you can reach top-ranked Amazon sellers in the USA.

Why you should Reach Top Amazon Sellers in USA?

Most Amazon sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers make upwards of $250,000 each month in sales — that amounts to $3 million in annual sales! Nearly half (44%) of Amazon sellers make from $1,000-$25,000/month, which could mean annual sales from $12,000-$300,000. These top-ranked Amazon sellers who make a high annual profit have a constant budget allocated to accelerate their sales and be successful in the marketplace.

Reach out to top-ranked Amazon Sellers & Double your Sales

How to Reach Top Ranked Amazon Sellers in the USA

If you are trying to build a targeted Amazon Seller Contact database for leads, we’ve got you covered.

We can help you out with our exclusive Amazon Seller Directory – A list of Amazon Seller Leads based on certain criteria, while you can concentrate on other important things on your plate. In order to develop a fast and accurate process, We at eGrabber have followed a 6-step process to build an exclusive list of top 200k+ Amazon Sellers in the US along with the research report.

We have built our database with eGrabber’s Unparalleled Leads Research Expertise. We have the expertise and experience of over 20+ years in B2B leads & contact research. Our human-driven, software-assisted, proprietary 6-step Amazon seller lead research process helps you to get the best lead research results quickly & accurately. eGrabber has been awarded many US patents in lead & contact research.

Our Amazon Seller Leads include 

Seller Name
Seller Link
Storefront name
Storefront link
Contact name
Job title
Contact email ID

We provide Amazon-Specific data fields such as Category, Seller Page Link, Seller Store Link, Seller Rank, Seller Brands, Seller Address, FBA/Non-FBA.

We are seeing good traction and getting more sales inquiries for our Amazon sellers list. You can order our Amazon Sellers list + Research Report that we already have. Get a Free Sample!

If you can provide us with the Amazon Seller Names or Seller IDs, we can also do Custom Research and deliver the custom list to you. To learn more about our custom list building services, Request a FREE Demo.